Выберите правильный вариант.. Заполните пропуски. Дополните следующие ниже предложения.. Выберите правильное решение.. Подберите эквивалент выделенной фразы. The new leap in velocity is possible. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 1) Выберите правильный вариант. My friends are waiting _______ me. 1.for 2.at 3.from 4.at
2) Заполните пропуски ______ do you want to go there? 1.where 2.when 3.what 4.why
3) Дополните следующие ниже предложения. I never get here on time if I ________ the train. 1.take 2.took 3.will take 4.have taken
4) Выберите правильное решение. I like to watch TV late __________ night. 1.at 2.in 3.on 4.into
5) Подберите эквивалент выделенной фразы 1.Скорость 2.Максимальная скорость 3.Скорость менее 150 метров в секунду 4.Скорость более 150 метров в секунду
The new leap in velocity is possible. The structure in 106 meters and in 25 thousand horse powers was carried by capacityfrom Paris to Strasbourg. As transfer foreign mass – media train V150 (as the train moves with the speed exceeding 150 meters a second for which person has time to blink) from two – storied chrome plated cars of black – silvery colour has broken the previous record 513 kilometers at an hour. The train has large wheels rather than standard TGV and in it his motors are established. On the line at passage of this miracle – technics were the electric pressure is increased the chain line and gravelly coverings are strengthened.