Дополните предложение употребив причастный оборот ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3) Дополните предложение употребив причастный оборот If you want a thing ______ well, do it yourself. 1. done 2. being done 3. having been done 4. have been done
4) Исключите лишнее Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke________ through the roof of one of the houses. 1. coming 2. having come 3. has come 4. it coming
5) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуск подходящим по смыслу словом. TV is one of our most important ____ of communication. It brings pictures and sounds aroundthe world to millionsof homes. Communication satellites in space transmit TV pictures over oceans and continents. By the late 1970`s, such devices as video cassette recorders, videodisc players, and personal computers have changed the way people use television at their homes. For example, TV sets may be used for such purposes, as playing electronic games and receiving televised information services. 1. means 2. millions 3. computers 4. pictures 3 Вариант
1) Выберете верную форму причастия Money ____on the brain is never spent in vain. 1. spent 2. being spent 3. spending 4. spends
2) Исключите лишнее I want my phone number______ because people often get the wrong number. 1. changed 2. having changed 3. being changed 4. have been changed
3) Заполните пропуск причастием I heard him________ something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear. 1. shouted 2. having shouted 3. shouting 4. have shouted
4) Закончите предложение выбрав нужное Mrs. Green doesn't explain things well. Her explanations are______ . 1. confused 2. confusing 3. being confused 4. have been confused
5) Прочитайте текст и определите,какой из заголовков соответствует тексту. A varying current from ''output" transformer passing thtough the voice coil, varying forces are acting which cause it to vibrate back and forth. As the cone is driven back and forth, its large area sets air into vibration. it is a well-known fact that large sized loud speakers are especially good at reproducing and dispersing low-pitched sounds. Due to diffraction and interference, however, high-pitched sounds are emitted in a narrow beam and in a forward direction only. Loud speakers with small cones are especially good on the high-pitched notes but are poor reproducing the low ones. Варианты ответа: 1. Loud Speakers 2. Large Sized Loud Speakers 3. Loud Speakers with Small Cones 4. Voice Coil