


Случайная статья

The new leap in velocity is possible.


  1. Выберите правильный вариант.

Jenny is ______________ work now.

a) on

b) in

c) at

We took a taxi ___________ the airport.

a) in

b) on

c) to

My friends are waiting _______ me.

a) for

b) at

c) from

  1. Заполните пропуски

 I’m sure I made _________ mistakes on the exam.

     a) some

     b) any

______ you speak any foreign languages?

     a) may

     b) can

     c) have

______ do you want to go there?

     a) where

     b) when

     c) what

  1. Дополните следующие ниже предложения.

Yesterday I _______ to the library for information.

     a) go

     b) went

     c) gone


 Jane is a teacher. She _______ English.

     a) teach

     b) teaches

     c) is teaching

 I never get here on time if I ________ the train.

     a) take

     b) took

     c) will take

  1. Выберите правильное решение.

Jill was standing ________ me.

a) at

b) across

c) next to

We went _________ Boston.

a) at

b) to

c) over

I like to watch TV late __________ night.

a) at

b) in

c) on

  1. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения.

I have __________ money so I will treat you to a movie.

     a) some

     b) any

 ______ it be true?

     a) must

     b) may

     c) can



 ______ has got a pencil for me?

     a) who

     b) what

     c) how

  1. Дополните предложение глаголом в нужной форме.

I’m late, but I _________ on time tomorrow.

     a) came

     b) come

     c) will come

She ________ four languages.

     a) is speaking

     b) speaks

     c) spoke

I _________ you at the cinema if you can make it.

     a) see

     b) saw

     c) will see

  1. Выберите нужные предлоги.

She comes to work _________ foot.

a) on

b) by

c) with

Cathy lives _________ her parents.

a) at

b) with

c) on

I found my car keys ______________ my pocket.

a) in

b) on

c) at


  1. Дополните предложения вопросительными словами.

     Jane was to tired. She ____ have worked days and nights

     a) should

     b) must

     c) need

 ______ is her telephone number?

     a) who

     b) what

     c) when

  1. Дополните предложения глаголами в нужной форме.

I ____________ dinner with my friend yesterdays.

     a) ate

    b) eats

     c) eat

He always _________ his car on Sundays.

     a) washes

     b) is washing

     c) washed

You _________ tired tomorrow if you don’t go to bed soon.

     a) are

     b) had been

     c) will be


  1. Дополните предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов решения.

The castle ………… built in the 15thcentury.

a) was

b) is

c) has been

b) will be



Is it really important ………….Andy has come or not provided he has sent us the agreement …………by our rivals.

a) whether / that signed

b) when / signing

c) if / signed

b) how / that was signing

e) whether / signing

If my application for the scholarship ………., I ……….my education in the States.

a) was accepted / can continue

b) has been accepted / have been continuing

c) had been accepted / could have continued

d) accepts / will have continued

e) will be accepted / will continue

I don’t think that the meeting ……….so long as there ……….enough, members.

a) could be held / aren’t

b) had held / could be

c) will be held / won’t be

d) is holding / will be

e) has been held / were

 You ………..in such trouble if you ……….to my advice.

a) hadn’t been / listened

b) aren’t / will listen

c) wouldn’t be / had listened

d) won’t be / were listening

e) weren’t / would have listened



  1. Употребите нужную форму вспомогательного глагола

______ he already seen the doctor ?





12. Выберите предложение в отрицательной форме:

Don’t prompt.

Listen carefully.

Be attentive

The new leap in velocity is possible.

The structure in 106 meters and in 25 thousand horse powers was carried by capacityfrom Paris to Strasbourg. As transfer foreign mass – media train V150 (as the train moves with the speed exceeding 150 meters a second for which person has time to blink) from two – storied chrome plated cars of black – silvery colour has broken the previous record 513 kilometers at an hour. The train has large wheels rather than standard TGV and in it his motors are established. On the line at passage of this miracle – technics were the electric pressure is increased the chain line and gravelly coverings are strengthened.


  1. Подберите значение выделенного слова






As transfer foreign mass – media train V150 (as the train moves with the speed exceeding 150 meters a second for which person has time to blink) from two – storied chrome plated cars of black – silvery colour has broken the previous record 513 kilometers at an hour. 


  1. Подберите эквивалент выделенной фразы


Максимальная скорость

Скорость менее 150 метров в секунду


  1. Выберите грамматически правильное предложение

Look me

Listen me

Forget it


  1. Выберите предложение в повелительном наклонении

Open those window

Stay calm

Close book


  1. Исключите лишнее

Turn off it

Invite us his house

Try harder


  1. Отметьте неверные предложения

Not do it

No play games

Don’t cry


  1. Выберите грамматически неверное предложение

Open the book

Run more fast

Close the window


  1. Выберите предложения в утвердительной форме

Switch off the light

Close your eyes

Don’t forgive to take it with you




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