Conclusions. References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 4 Conclusions 1. Ultrasonic dispersion of slag suspensions should be carried out at optimal dispersion parameters ν = 44 kHz; t= 25 ± 2 °C; τ = 15 min. The application of ultrasonic dispersion to slag suspensions with the observance of dispersing conditions can increase the aggregative and sedimentation stability of FGS suspension by 2-3 times in comparison with the mechanical mixing of suspensions. 2. It is established that in the absence of temperature control of the process of ultrasonic dispersion of FGS suspensions, two competing processes occur: Brownian motion and coagulation of slag particles, which lead to an increase in the sedimentation rate of FGS, a decrease in their aggregative and sedimentation stability, and a decrease in the strength of samples with FGS. 3. Ultrasonic dispersion of slag suspensions helps accelerate the process of micelle formation. Water-dispersed systems using UST behave more stable, the electrostatic factor of aggregative stability is enhanced. 4. Strength characteristics of samples with FGS suspensions prepared using UST under the recommended dispersion conditions are higher than without the use of UST. For the first day of hardening, strength increased by 19 - 39%; for 28 days of hardening - by 19 - 36%. References 1. A.D. Tolstoj, V.S. Lesovik, L.H. Zagorodnyuk, I.A. Kovaleva, Vestnik MGSU 11, 101-109 (2015) 2. A.A. Volodchenko, V.S. Lesovik, A.N. Volodchenko, E.S. Glagolev, L.H. Zagorodnjuk, Y.V. Pukharenko, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 8-3, 18856-18867 (2016) 3. L.H. Zagorodnyuk, L.D. Shahova, S.V. Yakovlev Beton i zhelezobeton 2, 18-20 (2010) 4. A.R. Hamatova, G.I. Yakovlev, V.P. Grahov, O.V. Hohryakov, Izvestiya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta 4(42), 321-327 (2017) 5. N.A. Shapovalov, L.H. Zagorodnyuk, I.V. Tikunova, A.Yu. Shchekina, A.V. Shkarin, Fundamental'nye issledovaniya 1-1, 167-172 (2013) 6. T.S. Kabanova, Yu.R. Krivoborodov, V.A. Zajcev, Ehnergiya: ehkonomika, tekhnika, ehkologiya 6, 56a-61 (2012) 7. B.V. Gusev, I.L.S. In, Yu.R. Krivoborodov, Tekhnologii betonov 7-8 (72-73), 21-24 (2012) 8. F.L. Kapustin, D.V. Ragozin, A.A. Kuznecov, I.S. Semerikov, A.F. Kapustin, Vestnik YUzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Seriya: Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura 15(191), 22-24 (2010) 9. B.Ya. Trofimov, L.Yu. Kramar, K.V. Shuldyakov, Stroitel'nye materialy 9, 96-101 (2013) 10. T.M. Petrova, O.M. Smirnova, S.T. Frolov, Vestnik grazhdanskih inzhenerov 2, 118-123 (2011) 11. A. Altun, S. Akpinar, H. Pala, Ogneupory i tekhnicheskaya keramika 11-12, 63-66 (2009) 12. V.S. Lesovik, M.S. Ageeva, A.V. Ivanov, Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shuhova 3, 29-32 (2011) 13. P.N. Kil', A.A. Kirsanova, L.Ya. Kramar, B.Yu. Trofimov, I.P. Dobrovol'skij, Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Seriya: Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura 14-2, 27-32 (2014) 14. L.I. Dvorkin, O.M. Bordyuzhenko, Tekhnologii betonov 5-6, 68 (2010) 15. L.I. Dvorkin, O.L. Dvorkin, Tekhnologii betonov 7(84), 16-18 (2013) 16. N.A. Shapovalov, L.H. Zagorodnyuk, I.V. Tikunova, A.Yu. Shekina, Fundamental'nye issledovaniya 1-2, 439-443 (2013) 17. L.H. Zagorodnyuk, L.D. SHahova, Cement i ego primenenie 1, 172- 175 (2010) 18. S. Samchenko, O. Zemskova, I. Kozlova, MATEC Web of Conferences 106, 03017 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710603017 19. S.V. Samchenko, O.V. Zemskova, I.V. Kozlova, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 87-12, 1872 – 1876 (2014)