ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!. Listening. Unit 3 Numbers. LISTENING: Dialogue (File 01). Cardinal number (File 02). Ordinal number (File 03)ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! Listening Unit 3 Numbers LISTENING: Dialogue (File 01) Receptionist: Good morning. Taxis 4U. How can I help you? Sam: Oh. good morning. I'd like to book a taxi to the airport, please. Receptionist: Right... and which airport is that? Sam: London Heathrow. Receptionist: That's fine. And when do you need the taxi for? Sam: My flight leaves from terminal (1)______ at (2)______ on Wednesday (3)______July. Next week. Receptionist: Wednesday (4)______at (5)______a.m. So you'll need the taxi at ... (6)______. OK. Can I have your name please? Sam: Sam Williams. Receptionist: And your address? Sam: (7)______, Willowside Bank, Abingdon. That's A-B-I-N-G-D-O-N. Receptionist: Thank you. And the postcode is? Sam: (8)______. Receptionist (9)______. And can I have a contact number for you? Sam: Yes, of course. My mobile is 07789 (10)______. Receptionist: Thank you. 07789 (11)______. Now we'll be picking you up at 3.30 Is that OK? Sam: Yes, that's fine.
1. Cardinal number (File 02)
2. Ordinal number (File 03) 1. A: Have you been here long? B: No, we arrived a few days ago, on the ________of the month. A: And how long are you staying? B: We're staying exactly two weeks, We leave on the ________, 2. A: When did you get here? B: I arrived on the ________. A: Will you be here long? B: Until the ________. Not long enough, really. 3. A: Did you just arrive? B: I arrived on July ________. A: Are you enjoying your vacation? B: Oh, yes. But it's too short. I leave on the ________, 4. A: When did you arrive? B: We got in on the ________. A: How long are you staying? B: We're leaving on the ________. We're just staying ten days. 5. A: Did you just arrive? B: We got here on the ________. A: And do you plan to stay long? B: Yes, we're not leaving until the end of the month A: The ________? B: That's right 6. A: When did you arrive? B: On the ________. A: And when are you leaving? B: On the ________. 3. Date & Time (File 04)
• The ________of February 1985. • The twenty-third of ________1980. • The second of January ________. • The ________of November 1987. • The ________of December 1962. • The fourth of September ________. • The ________of October 1921. • The eighth of ________1956. • The twenty-ninth of February ________. 4. Telephone number (File 05) Listen to people telephoning the places below. Did they dial the right number or not? Tick the correct box
5. Money (File 06) 1. …………………. 6. …………………. 2. …………………. 7. …………………. 3. …………………. 8. …………………. 4. …………………. 9. …………………. 5. …………………. 10. ………………….