Unit 2 LAND. Occur, provide, erupt (eruption), weathering, landforms, the crust, the mantle, the core, discover (discovery), Richter scale, estimateUnit 2 LAND Vocabulary test I. Match the words with their definition.
range to from, evidence, undergo, origin, interior, in spite of, to support, accept, controversy to be convinced,
________________to vary between limits; reach from one limit to another
________________something, such as fact, sign or object that gives proof or reason to believe or agree with something ________________the part which is inside ________________to experience (especially something unpleasant) ________________fierce argument or disagreement about something ________________ to be completely certain about something ________________taking no notice of, despite ________________ to take or receive something offered or given ________________to be loyal to
II. Fill in the gaps with words given in ex.1 The features of the earth’s surface ________________ plains to mountain peaks. Direct observation of the earth’s deep _________________ remains impossible. Currently scientists can gather information about the centre of the earth only through indirect ________ . The texture of the land, the locations of the landmasses, the climate have _______________ the tremendous changes. Most scientist are __________________ that the earth’s continents are slowly moving or drifting. _______________ fossil and geological evidence, most scientists couldn’t _________ the idea. New studies of oceanic floor have given more scientific evidence to _____________ the theory of continental drift. III. Match the words with their definition. Occur, provide, erupt (eruption), weathering, landforms, the crust, the mantle, the core, discover (discovery), Richter scale, estimate
_____________________ to explode and pour out fire, lava _____________________ to take place _____________________ to give, supply _____________________ to find something that already existed but was not known about before _____________________ to judge or calculate the nature, value, size, etc., esp. roughly; form an opinion about something _____________________ the shapes of the earth’s surface the ____________________ uses the numbers to measure the intensity of an earthquakes _______ __________ ___________ the major layers of the earth’s interior ____________________ outermost layer of the earth ____________________ the slow process of breaking down rocks into smaller and smaller pieces IV. Fill in the gaps with words given in ex.3.
The _______________ of seafloor spreading provided the evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. Some of these changes ________________ in a matter of seconds. At the time of a full-scale______________ ash, lava, might also be thrown out from the crater. Despite their destructiveness, volcanic eruptions ___________________ useful materials. Seismologists _______________ that the earthquake that shook san Francisco measured on the Richter scale. Chemical ____________________ alters the composition of rocks. Physical geographers who specialize in the study of _____________ are called geomorphologists.
V. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases. горообразование продукты выветривания складчатые горы горные перевалы глыбовые горы горные долины горные цепи ледники выветривание окружающая среда эрозия научные доказательства, факты, данные растворять в воде обеспечивать колебаться в пределах претерпевать происхождение внутренняя часть поддерживать несмотря на противоречия принимать (соглашаться) признавать случаться, происходить действующий вулкан спящий вулкан оплодотворять
VI. Translate the text into Russian.
In 1912, a German meteorologist, Alfred Wegner, published his theory that all the continents were once joined together in one supercontinent which he named Pangaea. Later, this landmass somehow split up and the various continents, as we know them, drifted apart. Wegner collated evidence from several sciences: Biology Mesosaurus was a small reptile living in Permian times; its remains have been found only in South Africa and Brazil. A plant which existed when coal was being formed has only been located in India and Antarctica. Geology Rocks of similar type, age, formation and structure occur in south-east Brazil and South Africa, and the Appalachian Mountains of eastern USA correspond geologically with mountains in north-west Europe. Climatology Coal, formed under warm, wet conditions, is found beneath the Antarctic ice cap, and evidence of glaciations had been noted in tropical Brazil and central India. Coal, sandstone and limestone could not have formed in Britain with its present climate. Wegener’s theory of continental drift combined information from several subject areas, but his ideas were rejected by specialists in those disciplines, partly because he was not regarded as an expert himself but perhaps mainly because he couldn’t explain how solid continents had changed their positions. He was unable to suggest the mechanism for drift.