Touchstone 2. Topic 7 Going Away. To answer most of the questions use SB p 66-69, clichés of giving advice, vocabulary and grammar of the unit). Topic 8 At Home. To answer most of the questions use SB p 76-79 vocabulary and grammar of the unit). To ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Touchstone 2 You have to use vocabulary, grammar, conversation strategies of each unit . You have to tell about 100 words by answering the questions that means your answers should have 3-6 sentences to each question. Topic 7 Going Away (To answer most of the questions use SB p 66-69, clichés of giving advice, vocabulary and grammar of the unit) Tell about : 1. What is your to-do list for a holiday? 2. Is it expensive to travel around your country? 3. Is it is difficult to find a bargain online to go to a foreign country? 4. Where are you going to for the next holiday? 5. Why are you are going there? 6. Things you need to take with you for your holiday/for camping. 7. Give advice to someone who goes sightseeing in your city/ backpacking around your country. Topic 8 At Home (To answer most of the questions use SB p 76-79 vocabulary and grammar of the unit) Tell about 1. What furniture do you have at home in different rooms, kitchen? What do you do there? 2. What kind of sizes, shapes, colours and nationality have the things in your room 3. Where do you keep your clothes, sports equipment, music files? ( use grammar and vocabulary from SB p 77) 4. Tell about your evening routines with the help of words ( First, next,(and) then , when , as soon as, while, before/after) Topic 9 Things went wrong (To answer most of the questions use SB p 86-89, 93, vocabulary and grammar of the unit) Tell about 1. What went wrong with you, what were you doing at that moment and how it happened ( use linking words when and while), if it ended good. 2. What injuries people can get and what they do when they get them Topic 10 Communication (To answer most of the questions use SB p 98-99,105 vocabulary and grammar of the unit) Tell about 1. Which types of communication you know 2. How you usually keep and touch and why you use these types of communication 3. Compare two types of communication using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives 4. What types of communication your friends use more and less than you 5. What pros and cons of emails and letters ?( use however, on the other hand, I think…, In my opinion)