Number five. Dentist.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
0.05-3.00 min. Correct the factual mistakes in the following extract: The presenter is going to speak about the easiest jobs that aren’t popular. In the first extract one of the men is going to sell the bond, in the second one the man believes that the other man is a parking enforcement officer. Generally, people don’t understand why these professions are so unpopular. The most hated job is a bouncer. A typical bouncer judges people by their personality traits and is excited by loud noises. Bouncers do absolutely useless work. Most of the time they stand around looking at everyone in a friendly way. They are given a lot of power, but they never show this. Bouncer’s work is easy. Mechanics never deceive their customers because generally the latter are very knowledgeable about cars. Customers never face any unnecessary expenses if they get a mechanic to fix their car. Mechanics always want to help their customers to have a good bargain. 3.01-6.06 min. Make questions for the following answers: 1. It has been around since Ford’s first models went on the market. 2. It is annoying to deal with the greasy money starved salesmen. 3. Because it could make them a buck. 4. Because it's not a female heavy career path. 5. You want to take a shower. 6. When celebrities complain about their lives. 7. They deserve to be able to walk a few feet from their car to a restaurant undisturbed. 8. You can’t help but pity the stars a little when they're assaulted by a swarm of photographers pressing their flashing cameras against their shielded faces. 9. Parking enforcement officers help the municipalities pump money back into the government. 10. Parking fare contributes a ton of cash flow for the city.
06:07-8.31 min. Do the following crossword and complete the gaps in the text with the words from it: Number five. Dentist. - The advantage you have a talent for being called an extinct zombie, and dead people will pay me anyway. Okay, so we may not hate dentists, but no one likes going to the dentist. Even the best practitioners … at least a little pain. - You should take better care of your teeth. You have a quite a … here. And the way they stare greedily into your mouth as if every single … and … is a dollar sign can only be described as … - Okay, I became a dental assistant. It's basically the same thing, I just make a lot less. Their instruments of torture are merely inches away from penetrating the patient's skull. Yes, we know dentists are super important to our healthcare, but that doesn't mean we don't all fear their ability to drill into our mouths and wallets. - You know, and I pride myself on being a professional. So from now on what I would like you to do is just… Let's just tell me, you know, when and if I cross the line. Number four. Lawyer. - I can't, why! - … mystery, but I'm still waiting to hear good cause. Now, do you have one or not? In the 16th century one of Shakespeare's characters famously said: “Let's kill all the lawyers”. Over 400 years later that sentiment hasn't really changed. Because of them the many guilty have walked free, and the wrongfully accused have been put behind bars. To be clear, there are some great … in the world who perform their jobs nobly. - There's a big bowl of candy in my office. Why don't you go eat it? - Wayne Jarvis, attorney at law, I have a responsibility to tell you that there is no candy in this office. However, there are many amoral, unethical and …… that seek only to benefit from the misfortunes of others. - Oh, lawyer Gloria, already! What the hell happened here, she slipped on that glass, that was arrogant jerks. They're going to pay for this. They're the ones that paint the entire profession with the hard-to-shake stereotype that has probably existed since the birth of the profession. - It's all … unlike my time! - It’s been a complete waste of two hours. - Okay, we're just not going to do it, and that's that. - What are you doing? Who are you writing to? - No, I’m just, you know, I'm taking notes on the case. We just see because… - You know what, just leave me alone!