Ex 1. Find the correct translation. Найдите перевод словСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
иDear students, we continue working on the topic «Free time. Hobby». Today we will study the grammar, revise the vocabulary to the topic "Free time. Hobby", read what hobby Meg, a kindergarten teacher, has. At the end of the lesson, you will have to write down what hobby you have and why. Complete the following tasks. Send ex. 1, 3 and 4 in private messages till 18.10.
Уважаемые студенты, мы с вами продолжаем работать над темой «Свободное время. Хобби». Сегодня мы изучим грамматический материал (сложноподчиненные предложения), повторим слова к теме «Свободное время. Хобби», прочитаем, какое хобби у Мэг, воспитателя детского сада. В конце урока вы должны будете написать, какое хобби у вас и почему. Выполните следующие задания. Отправьте упр. 1, 3 и 4 в личные сообщения к 18.10.
Ex 1. Find the correct translation. Найдите перевод слов
Ex2. Study Grammar. («Complex Sentences»).Изучитеграмматическийматериал (Презентация «Complex Sentences»).
Ex 3.Meg is a teacher in an infant school. Read the text about her hobby and choose the best answer.Мэг работает воспитателем. Прочитайте текст о ее хобби и выберите подходящие ответы на вопросы. I organize children’s parties – it’s as simple as that. It takes a lot of time to organize a good party, and my colleagues often haven’t got much time, so I do it for them. I can organize a party on any theme – for example, I can organize a “Hawaii” party with guitars, palm trees and parrots, a historical party in a castle, an “India” party with toy elephants or a winter party with ice and snow and skating and skiing, a fantasy party with adventures with interesting characters. If a party is for a very young learners, there will be many different games, songs, physical breaks. As the participants are little, I usually ask parents to help their babies in any event. If children are older, they will perform, recite poems, sing songs, and dance. It is possible to organize different competitions and exhibitions. Moreover learners can give presents to their friends or parents or grandparents. Now I am planning a party for Mrs. Hays class. It’s their end-of-school-year party. They want a “White, Blue, Red” party – I am organizing a white room, blue dresses and shoes for her and her learners, red food and drink – even the grand piano is red! Friendly speaking I do not like this idea, but they want. If I were Mrs. Hays, I would prefer to organize a fantasy party. It’s much more exiting. I have got an idea to organize one day a “Platform 9 3/4 “party with my learners. I suppose you know what I mean – yes, it is about Harry Potter’s adventures by Joanne Rowling. Children enjoy fantasy because they can visit lands that never existed, see things that never could exist, experience adventures with interesting characters, and, most importantly, feel the sense of magic in the world. I do want my learners prefer reading books to TV, computer games, the Internet, so before the party we read one of the books, discuss its chapters, draw or paint pictures, make handicrafts, visit fantasy exhibitions, go for a fantasy walk in our garden, decorate our room. I am sure my learners can understand that books can take you deeper into people’s thoughts and feelings than TV or radio. Books are our best choice for understanding the rest of humanity. I love my hobby. I have to work very hard and very fast, and there are always problems. But it is never boring.