Практические задания к текстам для чтенияСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Практические задания к текстам для чтения по теме 2 «Преступление и наказание в России и за рубежом» Практические задания к Тексту 1. Criminal Punishment in Russia I. Read and translate the international words without a dictionary. Person, association, associated, interests, penalty, serious, nature, individual, federation, basic, liberty, disqualification, activity, military, rank. II. Match the English and Russian equivalents.
III. Give the English correspondences from the text. Права осужденных, воспитательное значение, в соответствии с серьезностью преступления, основы уголовного законодательства, исправительные работы, общественное порицание, смертная казнь, расстрел, убийство. IV. Arrange the sentences in the proper order according to the text. 1. The basic penalties are deprivation of liberty, corrective labour without imprisonment, disqualification from specific office or activity, fines. 2. A penalty must be imposed according to the seriousness of the crime, the personality of the offender and the nature of the guilt. 3. There are also supplementary penalties like deprivation of military and other ranks. 4. The Fundamentals of Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation provide basic penalties. 5. The most severe punishment in Russia today is lifelong imprisonment which has replaced death penalty. 6. Criminal punishment of persons is always associated with the restriction of the rights and interests of the convicts.