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Please note, what works participants they must match the level of originality 60% or higher in the system Anti-plagiarism.








Dear clients colleagues!

Invite Accept you participation in V Anniversary International scientific and practical Students ' Convention and graduate students "Topical issues of Russian federalism: a retrospective approach and the current state" (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the TASSR).

Event details will take placeNovember 27-28, 2020 in Kazan Federal government University (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan Tatarstan, Russia).

Currently time Kazan Federal budget University implements the concept University a new generation, what does it mean merging efforts around three components: education, science and transfer technologies. For this purpose, the Kazan by a University since its creation organizations as a Federal agent were selected priority settings directions developments that meet today's requirements international and global calls.

International scientific and practical course students ' Convention and graduate students it is legal successor and its successor traditional November International conferences, why Legal entities faculty it's been over ten years years. Convention – it's a synthesis best practices carrying out conferences, summer schools, scientific forums and round tables, which allows you to not just to trade opinions on relevant legal issues, but also get answers to interested parties legal issues practices, trends their development, but it also includes extensive educational program the program.

Distinctive feature The 2020 Convention the host will speak separate round table discussion, dedicated To the 100th anniversary of the year educational institutions TASS, as well as subject areas Olympiads that will be conducted in online and offline mode formats. More detailed information information about directions, and also about the rules registrations it will be published in the official site online community Convention's (https://vk.com/legal_convention).

The Purpose Of The Convention is an extension new ideas and search for solutions, related to up-to-date questions Russian federalism. Within the framework of the Convention will be organized Assembly lectures leading scientists Legal entity faculty of Economics Kazansky district University, master classes known ones practitioners lawyers, subject areas Olympics, and also indicative court session with participation existing ones judges as follows: members of the jury. Planned rich cultural program, including in itself not only excursions, but and intellectual ones games.


Work Of The Convention will be organized for the following reasons directions (sections):


· Theory and history States and rights;

· Constitutional right;

· Tax and accounting financial statement right;

· Civil right;

· Labour law;

· Civilisational process;

· Business law;

· Criminal proceeding;

· Criminal law;

· Environmental management and land use right;

· International law;

· Theory and methodology teaching the law;

· «Actual issues of Russian federalism: retrospective approach and current state» (Англоязычное направление)


Before the Convention begins planned publishing collection of materials Convention's. By November 6, 2020in the community https://vk.com/legal_convention will be placed student lists and graduate students, past events competitive selection. Organizing Committee send it to the participants official websites invitations at the email address the email address specified in the application form.

Working language events: Russian and English.

Application for participation in the Convention and abstracts of reports they must be sent to the organizing Committee events no later than November 2, 2020. The application must be issued and contain information according to To the app 1.

Abstracts of reports (in .rtf format) we must respond next requirements getting started:

Full name of the author articles in full (bold font italics, alignment on the right edge); on the next page line (font italic, alignment on the right edge) academic title, academic the degree, the name of the University (without specifying organizational and legal form: FSBEI VO, etc.), scientist degree or position, place of work, city (abbreviations not allowed); the following line (the font italics, alignment on the right edge) –

Email address for contacts. If the authors there are several articles, that information repeated for each the author.

Design the header on in Russian: (in capital letters, bold letters, alignment in the center of the line)TITLE OF THE ARTICLE.

Full name of the author articles in full in English language: the same information repeated in English the language. Design the header on English language: the same information repeated in English the language.

Abstract on Russian and English the language. Abstract it must include a characteristic the main theme, problems of scientific research articles and goals work and its results results. In the abstract indicate that new owner in itself, the given article in comparison with others, related by subject and target the destination. Recommended average volume annotations 500 printed characters (GOST 7.9-95 SIBID).

Keywords (see below in Russian and English English languages) are separated from each other a semicolon.

Using 1 line – text of article. The article should be performed in Microsoft format Word with an extension .rtf, Times New Roman font, size 12, margin 2.0 cm co all parties, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm (not allowed paragraph indentation using a key "space" and "tab"), interval 1, alignment text by width. Seal intervals forbidden. Initials in text and links connect with the last name s using the " inseparable space bar" simultaneous by pressing a key Shift+Ctrl+Space: Full Name. Last name.

Using 1 line - "List" label literature". After it is given references in alphabetical order in good order, with end-to-end numbering, issued in accordance with with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

Volume no more than 2 pages of printed content text for students and undergraduates and no more than 3 pages for graduate students

Design example articles specified in the App 2.

Please note, what works participants they must match the level of originality 60% or higher in the system "Anti-plagiarism".

Applications for participation and abstracts of reports students and undergraduates are required send to e-mail address: legal.convention.stu@gmail.com

Applications for participation and abstracts of reports graduate students necessary send
a message on e-mail address:legal.convention.asp@gmail.com

Applications and abstracts accepted only in electronic format the form, two separate files; in the field "The theme of»e-mail address emails are required specify information in the following sequence: name of the destination, where the sender is located letters of wishes take part, Full name and UNIVERSITY of the applicant. For example: "International legal regulation direction, Ivanova I. I., KFU".

File name with the application must to be issued next how:
"Application form. Surname And Full Name Name of the direction (sections). HIGHER EDUCATIONAL».

File name with thesesit must be issued next how:
«Theses. Surname And Full Name Name of the direction (sections). HIGHER EDUCATIONAL»

The participant has right to submit application for participation in the event strictly for one thing from the submitted documents directions. Participation in several events directions not allowed.

In case of non-compliance requirements to those sent materials, Organizing Committee has the right to refuse to use review requests.For students and graduate students, who sent it applications and abstracts with the following conditions all requirements getting started and the deadline for submitting it, assumed competitive selection based on which will be selected participants full-time stage scientific event.

The main ones criteria the selection criteria are compliance submitted by materials the theme of the Convention, topicality, independence and originality.

In The Convention allowed full-time only participation . Materials Convention of the postal service the mailing list does not subject to change. Collection it will be published before the start events.

During the event for its participants it will be organized free of charge software hot drinks and baking. Expenses for travel, accommodation and food implemented at the expense of the guide parties and their own participants ' funds Convention's.


More information information, as well as news about conducting the event The Convention can be find it in the official search results online communities:



The Convention is being held at the address:

420008; Russia, Republic Of Tatarstan, Kazan,Russia Kremlevskaya str., 18, Kazansky street (Volga region) Federal budget University, Law faculty.


Dean Of The Legal Department faculty of Economics KFU                        L. T. Bakulina



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