Class 4: DCF. Problem 1Class 4: DCF Problem 1 In 2019 the corporation N which operates in emerging market has been evaluated by famous investment banks before being involved in the merger with the company T. Morgan Stanley suggested $2.8 for a share, JPMorgan Chase $2.5 and Deutsche Bank $3.1. Up to this moment N was fast growing company. Position in 2019: - Revenues 690,000.00 - Depreciation, Amortization $75,000.00 - EBIT $128,000.00 - Interest expense is $100 per year - Income tax rate 36% - Net Working Capital 10% of revenues - Capital Expenditures$150,000.00 - WACC 20% - 5,000 shares outstanding - Net Debt $295,000 Forecast for 3 years: - Revenue will grow at 15% per year - Within two years the corporation is planning to implement operating costs reduction programme which will lead to the increase of sales profitability (EBIT/Sales) from current margin to 25% from 2nd year. - Net working capital ratio in revenues will stay the same - CAPEX and depreciation will grow at the same rate as revenues Transition period after year 3: - revenue growth rate will decline linearly to 5 % up to year 6 - net working capital rate stays the same - CAPEX will grow at 8%, depreciation will grow at 12% a year Since Year 6 the Company enters the stable growth period - Revenue, D&A and CAPEX will grow at 5% Requirеd: - EV, Market Cap - Calculate the fair price of 1 share and decide, which bank was closer to fair value