ANSWER KEY. Clip art from legal copies of Mega Gallery and CorelDraw.. This grammar guide / worksheet can be used as an introduction to the song “Whataya ( what do you) Want From Me” which focuses on phrasal verbs with ‘give’.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
ANSWER KEY Clip art from legal copies of Mega Gallery and CorelDraw. This grammar guide / worksheet can be used as an introduction to the song “Whataya ( what do you) Want From Me” which focuses on phrasal verbs with ‘give’. 1. a. My father gave my sister away at her wedding. b. I have to give these books back to Chris. I borrowed them a few weeks ago. c. Thomas said that he was going to give up drinking on 1st January. d. My friend didn't want to go to the soccer game, but I persuaded him and he finally gavein and came with me. e. Please give out these papers to the class. f. I couldn’t find the keys anywhere. I have given up looking for them. g. It was a very old car. It's not surprising it has given out. h. I gave away all my clothes that I couldn’t wear anymore. i. Carlos gave the surprise away when he told Stan about the party. j. The criminal gaveup when the police officer threatened him with a gun. k. This old food is givingoff a very bad smell. We should throw it out. l. Our new lamp gives off a very beautiful light. m. The undercover police officer shouted to the robbers, “There is no escape! Give up before we open fire!” n. If you don’t bath every day, you will soon give off a nasty odour.