


Случайная статья

Аудирование (демо-версия). Задание 1.. Задание 2.. ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ АУДИРОВАНИЯ. Задание 1.

Аудирование (демо-версия)

Задание 1.

Прослушай запись и определи, правдивы эти утверждения или нет.

Внимательно прочитай утверждения.

Прослушай текст и выбери слово «True», если ты согласен с утверждением, и «False», если не согласен.

Прослушай пример. Ты услышишь запись диалога два раза.

Пример:       0.Paul was at home last evening.                          True//False


1. Paul’s parents were at the theatre with Jane.                  True//False

2. Paul was happy because he was alone.                                True//False

3. Paul wanted to invite Den to his place. .                          True//False

4. Den went to play football. .                                              True//False

5. Paul’s cat was outdoors. .                                                True//False



Задание 2.

Прослушай 5 диалогов т ответь на пять вопросов.

Прочитай пять вопросов. Обрати внимание на подсказку в скобках. Прослушай пять мини-диалогов и запиши ответы на вопросы в отведенные пропуски, используя в ответе не более четырёх слов. НЕ ПИШИ ПОЛНЫЙ ОТВЕТ!!!

Прослушай пример и посмотри на ответ. Ты услышишь запись каждого диалога два раза.

Пример:       0. When is Ben’s birthday? (date):_____________12th of April___________________


1. What’s Ann’s hobby? (sport): ______________________________________________________

2. When did Tom and his father want to go to the cinema? (day):________________________

3. How did John get to school yesterday? (transport):___________________________________

4. When did Nick come home yesterday? (time):________________________________________

5. What colour is Jane’s cap? (colour):_________________________________________________




Задание 1.


Paul stayed at home last evening. His sister Jane went to her piano lesson. His parents weren’t at home either. They were at the cinema/ Nobody stayed at home with Paul and he was frightened.

He decided to call his friends and invite them to come. Unfortunately, they also weren’t at home. His friend Den was at the swimming pool and his friend Jack was at a football match.

Paul was very upset. Even his cat was in the street playing with the neighbours’ cats. Poor Paul!



Задание 2.


Пример: A: Is your birthday on the 6th of June, Ben?

           B: No, it’s Mary’s birthday. Mine is on the 12th of April.

Диалог первый

A: Ann! I know you are good at swimming.

B: Me? No, it’s Kate’s hobby. I love tennis.



Диалог второй

A: What day is it today, Dad?

B: Saturday. Why?

A: We wanted to go to the cinema, remember?

B: No, Tom, we decided to go to the cinema on Sunday.



Диалог третий

A: How do you get to school, John?

B: I usually get to school on foot. Yesterday I was late and rode my        




Диалог четвертый

A: Nick, do you come home from school at 3 p.m.?

B: Yes, but yesterday I had a piano class and came home at 4 p.m.



Диалог пятый

A: There is a red cap on the bench. Maybe it’s Jane’s.

B: No, her cap is pink. The red one is Ann’s.



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