Вторичным бесплодием называютСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
1 Patient A, 25 years old, married the first child does not have to be under a doctor's supervision antenatal clinic. In the history of 3 pregnancy: the first ended in a medical abortion and difficult endometritis, second and third pregnancy localized in fallopian tubes, ended rupture of the pipe. Woman undergo surgical operation, conducted removing tubes from two sides. Other gynecological diseases denied. Menstruation at age 12. For 3-4 days, after 28 days, regular, painless. The diagnosis? What modern reproductive technologies and research methods can be applied to the birth of the child in this marriage?
2 To gynecologist came the couple to ask about reason of infertility in the past 5 years. Female 35 years, second marriage, from his first marriage has a daughter. Gynecological diseases denied. The menstrual cycle is not broken. Her husband of 40 years, sports constitution, no bad habits, history is not burdened, at first marriage has a son. The diagnosis? What to do?
3 Female 28 years, during 3 years of marriage has no children. Bimanual examination: uterus of normal size, mobile, appendages are not palpable. During the colpocytologic study on day 21 of the menstrual cycle is established: 80% superficial cells, 20% intermediate, 75% cariopyknotic index. The diagnosis? What additional methods of investigation be carried out to clarify diagnosis?
Вторичным бесплодием называют 1) бесплодие длительностью в два года 2) бесплодие у женщин, имевших в анамнезе беременность. 3) бесплодие, обусловленное эндокринной патологией 4) бесплодие, обусловленное воспалительным генезом 5) бесплодие, обусловленное заболеванием мужа