Semen Placement
Сontents I. Introduction II. The main part 1.Preparations for insemination and sanitation 2. Semen Placement
III. Conclusion IV.References
Introduction Preparations for insemination and sanitation Here are some important steps to follow and points to remember: § Ensure that the cow to be bred is truly in heat. Research studies indicate between 7 and 20 percent of the cattle inseminated are not in heat. § Restrain the cow first and then thaw the semen. The restraint area should be familiar to the cow and free of stressful conditions. Unnecessary excitement may interfere with physiological mechanisms important to achieving a good conception rate. § Develop good sanitary procedures and insemination practices. It is easier to learn good habits than to break bad habits. a. Insemination supplies should be kept dry and clean at all times. Breeding sheaths should be stored in the original package until used. b. Once the insemination device is assembled it must be protected from contamination and cold shock temperatures. c. Materials used to lubricate the rectum should not come in contact with the vulva region. Lubricants are generally spermicidal. Avoid using products that are irritating. d. The vulva region must be thoroughly wiped clean with a paper towel. This is important in helping prevent the interior of the reproductive tract from becoming contaminated and possibly infected. A folded paper towel can be inserted into the lower portion of the vulva. The insemination rod can then be placed between the folds of the towel and inserted into the vagina without contacting the lips of the vulva. e. Protective rods or sheaths are used in herds or for specific cows where vulvovaginal infection is a problem. When this system is used, the standard insemination rod and plastic sheath are inserted into the larger protective rod or sheath. This double rod combination is passed through the vagina to the external cervical opening. At the cervix, the tip of the protective device is punctured by the insemination rod, which is then threaded through the cervix. This technique should only be used following the recommendations of a veterinarian, extension specialist, or AI representative — and only when specific diseases have been diagnosed or suspected.