What holiday song was Kevin playing when he tried to make the robbers believe his parent's were throwing a party? (Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
1. Where are the McCalisters going on vacation? (Paris) 2. What is the total for the pizzas? ($122.50) 3. How many kids are there total? (11: 5 boys, 6 girls) 4. How many people are in the McCalister’s house? (15: 5 boys, 6 girls, 4 parents) 5. How much does Kate offer the couple at the airport for trading their tickets? ($500) 6. What did Frank forget at home? (his reading glasses) 7. In what year does Buzz say Marley killed his family? (1958) 8. What holiday song was Kevin playing when he tried to make the robbers believe his parent's were throwing a party? (Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree) 9. What street do the McCallisters live on? (Lincoln Blv.) 10. What did Kevin steal from the mall? (a toothbrush) 11. What was the name of the movie that Kevin was watching? (Angels with filthy souls “Angels with dirty faces”) 12. Where does Kevin’s family live? (Chicago) 13. What are the bad guys’ names? (Harry and Marv) 14. Who was the police officer in the beginning of the movie? (Harry) 15. What cartoon was Kevin watching on his first night alone in the house? (Grinch)
1. Where are the McCalisters going on vacation? 2. What is the total for the pizzas? 3. In what year does Buzz say Marley killed his family? 4. How many kids are there total? 5. How many people are in the McCalister’s house? 6. What did Frank forget at home? 7. How much does Kate offer the couple at the airport for trading their tickets?