PART 4 - VERIFICATION. I am aware that injuries can occur and will accept responsibility for any that I may sustain during these events. Parent or Guardian if under 18 years. PART 5 -CLOSING DATE. RITA National Secretary, 32 Alderwood Ave, Springfield, Ta ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 PART 4 - VERIFICATION I am aware that injuries can occur and will accept responsibility for any that I may sustain during these events
Parent or Guardian if under 18 years
PART 5 -CLOSING DATE All application forms& lodgement receipts should be sent to: RITA National Secretary, 32 Alderwood Ave, Springfield, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland before Thursday 9th October.Zoom login details will be sent to all registered participants Tel. 00 353 (0)1 4510462 Email secretary@rita-itf.ie