STUDY PROGRAM. What study program are you planning to enter?. Inter-State Educational Institution of Higher Education. Prospekt Mira 43, 212005 Mogilev, Republic of Belarus. www.bru.by. phone /fax: +375-222-25-28-30, mobile phone: +375-333-777-501, e-mail ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. STUDY PROGRAM What study program are you planning to enter? Preparatory department. The period of education is 1 year; Higher education. The period of education is 4-5 years; Master’s Degree Program. The period of education is 1 year; Russian language courses. The period of education is 1-3 months. Choose the form of study: full-time department part-time department. Choose the faculty where you are planning to enter: The Faculty of Economics Construction Faculty Electrical Engineering Faculty Mechanical Engineering Faculty Automechanical Faculty Engineering-Economic Faculty Specialty for admission: The level of Russian language proficiency: (lack a knowledge of Russian / elementary level / intermediate level / upper- intermediate level) Additional information:
I, the undersigned, certify that the following information is true and accurate. Signature: Date: (day/month/year)
Inter-State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Belarusian-Russian University” Prospekt Mira 43, 212005 Mogilev, Republic of Belarus www.bru.by International Department: phone /fax: +375-222-25-28-30, mobile phone: +375-333-777-501, e-mail: interstudy@bru.by