Flashcards. Instructions for the teacher.

Instructions for the teacher.
Print the flashcards on cardboard or thick paper. Glue the words on the back of the images. Laminate them if you want them to last more time. You can use them in different ways.
- Show them to the students, first the image and say the word. Than turn the card around and show the word. Students have to repeat after you.
- You can use them as a memory game (if you don’t glue the words on the back) with small groups.
- With small children: Put some cards on the board and say: Bring me the......
- Put 10 flashcards on the board. Let the student at them look for a minute. Than take off 3 flashcards. Ask them which ones are missing.
- Put ten flashcards on the board. Children look at the cards for two minutes. Remove them and ask children to write down as many words as they can remember.
- Put three flashcards on the board. The students have to compare them.
- Give each student a flashcard and tell them to describe the animals in 3, 4 or 5 sentences.
- Odd one out: Put 5 flashcards on the board, use one different subject. Ask them which one doesn’t belong.
- Put two flashcards about different subjects on the boards. Students have to make a sentence using both.
10. Put six flashcards in different places around the room. Say a word, and children point to the relevant card.
There are many other ways to use the flashcards, just use your imagination. Here are some sites where you can find other games.