Do you prefer print or e-books? Can both coexist? Discuss with your classmates. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 5. Do you prefer print or e-books? Can both coexist? Discuss with your classmates.
- Margaret Maron likes the fact that books which went out of print can be made easily available again through digital editions. - 2% - Some people want to give it to somebody as a present, or annotate it at home, but they also want to take the digital edition with them wherever they go. I can’t help but believe that we will always have print books. If ebooks become more popular, people also might get rid of their older copies of the used books. There’s an analogy that I like that when the camera came out painting didn’t go away. You could have your whole collection on one device and shuffle through it. Vinyl records are oddly coming back in some way as a kind of boutique music medium, and everybody thought that they’d completely die out with the CD.