


Случайная статья

Fantastic Scenery


A city slicker or a country lover

1. Groupwork. Reflect on the following quote about living in the country and in the city, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions:

· “A city is a large community where people are lonesome together”. ~Herbert Prochnow

· “Town folk know pleasures, country people joys”. - Minna Thomas Antrim

· “There is virtue in country houses, in gardens and orchards, in fields, streams, and groves, in rustic recreations and plain manners that neither cities nor universities enjoy”. - Amos Bronson Alcott

2. Useful terms and phrases

community Сообщество, общество, мир
Lonesome/ lonely одинокий
Loneliness/ loneliness одиночество
virtue Добродетель, достоинство, сила, нравственность
orchard фруктовый сад, сад
stream Река, ручей
grove Роща, лесок
rustic recreations простой (сельский, грубый) отдых
plain manners скромные (простые) манеры
life is very flat in a small village в маленькой деревне жизнь течёт очень однообразно
A clear lake Прозрачное озеро
high mountains Высокие горы
 A fantastic scenery изумительный пейзаж
mount s / mountain peaks Горные вершины
snow-capped mountain peak заснеженная горная вершина
bushy cliffs скалы, поросшие кустарником
By the side of the lake около (рядом) с озером
mountainous area горная местность
situated nearby Расположенный поблизости
Admire scenery/landscape Любоваться (восхищаться, восторгаться)пейзажем
I can’t but admire Не могу не восхищаться
It would be great Было бы здорово …
to take the air дышать свежим воздухом
clean / dusty air Чистый/ пыльный воздух
To impress / make an impression on произвести впечатление на
breathe the air дышать воздухом
a variety of expensive shops разнообразие (множество) дорогих магазинов
a shopper покупатель
a modern escalator современный эскалатор
a shopping center торговый центр
a department отдел
To sell different goods Продавать различные товары
to do shopping делать покупки
a wide choice of goods большой выбор товаров
You can shop till you drop Вы можете делать покупки до упаду
countryside сельская местность
in the midst of nature среди природы
in nature's lap/in the open country на лоне природы
a cosy house уютный дом
Surrounded by a pretty garden окружённый прелестным садом
terrace балкон
Peaceful neighbourhood Спокойное соседство/ район
lots of flowers and bushes много цветов и кустов
there is nothing like nature нет ничего лучше природы
To spend a lot of time outdoors Проводить много времени на свежем воздухе



 3. Match the words to their translation and make sentences to describe picture A:


A clear lake дышать свежим воздухом
high mountains произвести впечатление на
 A fantastic/ amazing scenery Прекрасный горный край
A snow-capped mountain peak Прозрачное озеро
bushy cliffs Расположенный поблизости
By the side of the lake Изумительный/ удивительный пейзаж
A beautiful mountain area заснеженная горная вершина
I can’t but admire Высокие горы
to take the air скалы, поросшие кустарником
To impress / make an impression on около (рядом) с озером
situated nearby Не могу не восхищаться



4. Look at picture A and get ready to answer the following questions:

1. What does picture A show?

2. Where is this place located?

3. What can you see in this picture?

4. Express your thoughts and feelings concerning this picture.


5. Read the example of describing a picture:

Fantastic Scenery

Look at thepicture, please. This picture shows amazing scenery. I think, this fascinating place is located in the mountains. In this picture I can see a fantastic mountainous area. There is a lake, wood and snow-capped mountain cliffs in this beautiful area. I can also admire bushy cliffs situated nearby. In the foreground of the picture there is a clear lake with rocks and grass growing by the side of the lake.

In conclusion, I can’t but admire this place. I find it so beautiful, so unusual.  The fact is that I have never been to the mountains. No doubt, I would like to get to this wonderful place, walk among mountain woods, take the air and swim in the waters of this clear lake. It would be great to paint this unique mountain scenery and show it to my group mates.

6. Match the words to their translation and make sentences to describe picture C:


a variety of expensive shops отдел
a shopper Вы можете делать покупки до упаду
a modern escalator делать покупки
a shopping center разнообразие (множество) дорогих магазинов
a department большой выбор товаров
To sell different goods современный эскалатор
to do shopping торговый центр
a wide choice of goods Покупатель
You can shop till you drop Продавать различные товары

7. Match the words to their translation and make sentences to describe picture E:

countryside Проводить много времени на свежем воздухе
in nature's lap/in the open country Спокойное соседство/ район
a cosy house много цветов и кустов
Surrounded by a pretty garden нет ничего лучше природы
A terrace на лоне природы
A Peaceful neighbourhood уютный дом
lots of flowers and bushes окружённый прелестным садом
There is nothing like nature сельская местность
To spend a lot of time outdoors балкон


A city slicker or a country lover

1. New terms and phrases:

city slicker городской франт
A country lover Любитель деревни
A tiny flat очень маленькая квартира
There is never a dull moment in a city like London. Никогда не бывает скучно в таком городе как Лондон.
Hustle and bustle Суматоха (толкотня и шум)
To draw inspiration from/ get inspiration from черпать вдохновение из
Inspiration for painting вдохновение для занятий живописью
An advantage of a city life Преимущество городской жизни
Close at hand под рукой, близко
The tube station станция метро
To get around  городу Передвигаться по городу
To save money экономить деньги
Like any large city Как любой большой город
To chat on the Tube беседовать , болтать в метро
Community spirit чувство принадлежности к данному обществу
To put up with the constant noise Мириться(приспособиться к) с постоянным шумом
traffic congestion транспортная пробка
air pollution загрязнение воздуха
That is a small price to pay (for) Это небольшая жертва, (принесённая ради)
I am in my element Я в своей стихии
A huge ranch Огромное ферма
To ranch заниматься сельским хозяйством, жить на ферме
A healthy lifestyle Здоровый образ жизни
To lead a healthy life Вести здоровую жизнь
To have lots of space to run around Много места бесцельно бегать туда-сюда
To enjoy the peace and quiet наслаждаться миром и тишиной (тишь да гладь)
To produce own food Производить свои продукт питания
There is lots of hard work to do Здесь много тяжёлой работы
To run a ranch Управлять фермой
draught засуха
To grow crops Выращивать с/хоз. культуры
To feel isolated Чувствовать себя изолированным
To be 100 kilometers away Быть удалённым на 100 километров
easily available легко доступный
We wouldn’t change our life for the world Мы бы ни за что на свете не изменили нашу жизнь
fire a furnace топить печь
Bring water Ходить за водой

2. Match the words to their translation:


A country lover Суматоха большого города
A tiny flat вдохновение для занятий живописью
There is never a dull moment in a city like London. Преимущество городской жизни
Hustle and bustle of a big city под рукой, близко
Inspiration for painting Любитель деревни
An advantage of a city life очень маленькая квартира
Close at hand Никогда не бывает скучно в таком городе как Лондон.
To get around  городу экономить деньги
To save money Передвигаться по городу


The tube station транспортная пробка
Like any large city загрязнение воздуха
To chat on the Tube Это небольшая жертва,
Community spirit Я в своей стихии
To put up with the constant noise черпать вдохновение в
traffic congestion Как любой большой город
air pollution беседовать , болтать в метро
That is a small price to pay (for) чувство принадлежности к данному обществу
I am in my element Мириться(приспособиться к) с постоянным шумом
To draw inspiration from/ get inspiration from станция метро




A huge ranch Чувствовать себя изолированным
To ranch Здесь много тяжёлой работы
A healthy lifestyle Управлять фермой
To have lots of space to run around засуха
To enjoy the peace and quiet Огромное ферма
To produce own food заниматься сельским хозяйством, жить на ферме
There is lots of hard work to do Здоровый образ жизни
To run a ranch Много места бесцельно бегать туда-сюда
draught наслаждаться миром и тишиной
To feel isolated Производить свои продукт питания

3. Read the words and mind their pronunciation:

A city slicker городской франт
South-west London юго-западный Лондон
An art student молодой художник, учащийся художественной школы
An art gallery картинная галерея
In the heart of London В центре Лондона
“He who is tired of London is tired of life” Кто устал от Лондона, тот устал от жизни
Down under на другом конце света (в Австралии, в Новой Зеландии)
New South Wales, Australia Новый Южный Уэльс, Австралия
The rain river land Дождливая речная страна
We don’t mind Мы не возражаем
To Live out Проживать, выживать
To grow crops выращивать сельскохозяйственные культуры
easily available легко доступный
Local facilities Местные средства обслуживания
We wouldn’t change it for the world Мы бы ни за что на свете не изменили её.



4. Read the text and answer questions:

1. Why does Stephen live in the city?

2. What attracts him in the city?

3. What advantage of city life is attractive for him?

4. How does he save money living in the city?

5. What doesn’t he like about living in London?

6. Where does Marianna live?

7. Do they lead a healthy life?

8. Why is countryside good for children?

8. What does she tell about disadvantages of city life?

9. Where would you like to live?



4. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Living in the city”. Share your ideas with the partner.

There is on the tube or bus
To have with the constant noise
To get inspiration a small price to pay
To get in one’s element
To save never a dull moment
To chat from the hustle and bustle of the city
 To put up everything close at hand
That is around the city
To be money

5. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Living in the country”. Share your ideas with the partner.


A beautiful area the peace and quiet
To live on the ranch one’s own food
To lead lots of hard work to do
To have a ranch
To enjoy with a fantastic scenery
There is lots of hard work to do on the ranch
To produce  a healthy life
To run lots of space to run around


There are 100 kilometers away
To grow the flying doctor
To be life for the world
To be droughts in Australia
To call crops
Not to change easily available

The advantages and disadvantages to living in the city

1. Useful terms and phrases

To consider обсуждать; обдумывать
exciting волнующий; захватывающий, интересный, заманчивый
A busy street оживлённая улица
to get new emotions and impressions получить новые эмоции и впечатления
to entertain oneself развлекаться
convenient удобный
need medical care нуждаться в медицинской помощи
To be overcrowded быть переполненным
crowd толпа, толкотня, давка
To crowd толпиться, тесниться
To live in overcrowded conditions жить в тесноте
get into a traffic jam опасть в пробку
To be sick and tired of Надоесть, смертельно устать от
crime преступность
criminal преступник
common Распространённый
constant noise Постоянный шум
to return home Возвращаться домой
life span продолжительность жизни
criminal преступник
attack any person напасть на любого человека
take away the money Отнять деньги
valuables ценные вещи
To be aware of the drawbacks осознавать отрицательные стороны
noise and excitement суматоха, волнение, оживление
to feel the pulse of life Чувствовать ритм жизни
the spice of life Вкус жизни

variety is the spice of life

разнообразие - вот что придаёт вкус жизни
to vote for Голосовать за
life is very flat in a small village в маленькой деревне жизнь течёт очень однообразно


2. Match the words to their translation:


To consider толпа, толкотня, давка
An exciting life быть переполненным
A busy street Удобный для пожилых людей
to get new emotions and impressions нуждаться в медицинской помощи
to entertain oneself обсуждать; обдумывать
Convenient for elderly people Волнующая интересная жизнь
need medical care оживлённая улица
To be overcrowded Развлекаться
crowd получить новые эмоции и впечатления



To crowd продолжительность жизни
To live in overcrowded conditions Отнять деньги
get into a traffic jam Чувствовать ритм жизни
To be sick and tired of напасть на любого человека
Crime, criminal толпиться, тесниться
life span разнообразие - вот что придаёт вкус жизни
take away the money опасть в пробку
to feel the pulse of life Надоесть, смертельно устать от
attack any person преступность, преступник

Variety is the spive of life

жить в тесноте



5. Read the text and find answers to the questions:

1. What is this text about?

2. What are the main advantages of city life?

3. What are the main disadvantages of city life?

4. Do you agree with the author? What other advantages and disadvantages can you name?

5. Would you like to live in the country or in the city?


"For and Against" Essays

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the city


Have you ever considered living in a big city? There are many advantages and disadvantages to doing it.

One of the main advantages of city life is that it is exciting. There is never a dull moment in the city. There are a lot of cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, discos and bars. People can enjoy life visiting these places. They can get new emotions and impressions, meet new people, entertain themselves which is very important after hard work.

Another advantage of city life is that you can have everything close at hand. There is a lot of transport and you can easily get around the city.

Moreover, there are a lot of hospitals and polyclinics and it is very convenient for elderly people and children who are often ill and need medical care.

However, there are disadvantages to living in a big city. There so many problems in a modern city. Buses are often overcrowded and you can get into a traffic jam which is very boring and tiring for people who are sick and tired of it. Most people are not friendly; they don't chat on the bus and there is much less community spirit than in the country.

Moreover, there is always constant noise, pollution and traffic congestion which is bad for people's health. A lot of people and children are ill and the life span isn't very long because of it.

To add to this, crime is common in big cities. It is very dangerous to return home late in the evening as criminals can attack any person and take away the money, mobile phone and other valuables.

All things considered, living in a big city is a good idea if you are aware of the drawbacks. For me, happiness is in the city with all its noise and excitement. I like to feel the pulse of life. Night life and entertainment are to my liking. I say variety is the spice of life. I vote for a modern city!


6. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside



The advantages and disadvantages of living in the city

Have you ever considered living in a big city? There many advantages and disadvantages to doing it. One of the main advantages of city life is that it is exciting. There is never a dull moment in the city. There are a lot of cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets (оживлённая улица), discos and bars. People can enjoy life visiting these places. They can get new emotions and impressions, meet new people, entertain themselves (развлекаться) which is very important after hard work.

Another advantage of city life is that you can have everything close at hand. There is a lot of transport and you can easily get around the city.(передвигаться по городу)

Moreover, there are a lot of hospitals and polyclinics and it is very convenient for elderly people and children who are often ill and need medical care.( медицинская помощь и лечение)

However, there are disadvantages to living in a big city. People face so many problems in a modern city. Buses are often overcrowded (переполненный ) and they often get stuck in a traffic jam. (попадать в пробку). It is very boring and tiring for people who are sick and tired of it. (сыт по горло ) Most people are not friendly; they don't chat on the bus and there is much less community spirit than in the country.

Moreover, there is always constant noise, pollution (загрязнение воздуха ) and traffic congestion (дорожная пробка ) which is bad for people's health. A lot of people and children are ill and the life span ( продолжительность жизни ) isn’t very long because of it.

To add to this, crime is very bad in big cities. It is very dangerous to return home late in the evening as criminals can attack any person and take away the money, mobile phone and other valuables.( ценные вещи)

All things considered, living in a big city is a good idea if you are aware of the drawbacks.( знать о отрицательная сторонах) For me, happiness is in the city with all its noise and excitement.( оживление, волнение) I like to feel the pulse of life.( ритм жизни) Night life and entertainment are to my liking. I say variety is the spice of life. (соль из жизни) I vote for a modern city!( голосовать, выбирать)



a busy motorway оживлённая автомагистраль
exhaust fumes выхлопные газы
air пыльный воздух
a bus stop автобусная остановка
a well-dressed passenger хорошо одетый пассажир
to stand in a queue стоять в очереди
to wait to get on a bus ждать, чтобы сесть в автобус
convenient public transport удобный (находящийся поблизости) общественный транспорт



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