We begin with Dear … Address, dateСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Unit One. Engineering An Engineering Student Lead-in I. List the main branches of engineering. Compare your list with that of your groupmates. II. You are a student at University now. Listen to the dialogues you can hear at University during your first days of studying and learn how to introduce yourself. A Teacher: Good morning! Let me introduce myself. I am your English teacher. I am here to help you with English. What are you? What do you do? Why are you here? Class: We are students. Teacher: Are you first-year students? Are you freshmen? Class: Yes, we are. Teacher: Will you introduce yourselves? Who are you? Student: I am Andrew Kolosov. I am here to study English. Teacher: What is your name? Student: My name is Kate Gomonova. I am a first-year student. I am here to master my English, too. Teacher: Thank you. I am glad to meet you. Students: We are glad to meet you, too. B Teacher: Allow me to introduce your supervisor. Supervisor: How do you do? Students: How do you do? Supervisor: You are eager to study at our Technical University and become good specialists, aren't you? Students: Yes, of course, we are. Supervisor: You are lucky to study at our University. I wish you success. Students: Thank you very much. C Teacher (in whisper): Oh, I'm sorry, who is this student? Monitor: This is Oleg Smirnov. Teacher: I see. He is 18 years old, isn't he? Monitor: Yes, he is. Teacher: Is he from Moscow? Monitor: No, he isn't. He is Belarusian. He is from Grodno, from the Republic of Belarus. Teacher: O.K. Thanks a lot. D Oleg: Hello, Kate. How are you? Kate: Very well, thank you. And how are you? Oleg: Quite well, thanks. Kate, this is Mike. He is my friend here at University and he was my friend at school. Kate: Hello, nice to meet you. Mike: Hi, I'm glad to meet you, too. III. That's how we greet and introduce each other in English. Study this table.
Language Practice I. Imagine Kate and Mike or other students of the group are talking. a) Kate: Excuse me, are you Paul? b) Andrew: I ... Andrew Kolosov. I ... fond of computers. And you? c) Ann: Alexey, you ... good at drawing. II. Correct mistakes in the passage. Hello! We am first-year students of the Technical University. Our names is Oleg, Mike and Kate. We is eager to know what it am like to be an American student. We is from Minsk. Minsk am the capital of Belarus. Minsk are about 750 kilometres far from Moscow. The transportation system in Minsk are rather complicated. The average temperature in Belarus in winter months are about -10°C (14°F) and about +20°C (68°F) in summer months. III. Study the following expressions in the frame and fill in the gaps. to be afraid of, to be good/bad at, to be tired of, to be busy with, to be surprised at, 1. Tom is impressed … the design of this tower. 2. They are fond … geography. 3. I'm fed up … this task. 4. We are busy … our home task. 5. He isn't interested … physics. 6. Our classmates are crazy … programming. IV. Make up sentences using the Word Order Rule. Consult Grammar Section. 1. freshmen University at are we. 2. are students technical we. 3. fond of music are we. 4. are interested in we engineering. 5. interested in are we programming. 6. never tired of we studying are. V. Study the names of different professions. 1. He is a student of computer engineering. So he is a programmer. 2. He is a student of processing engineering. So he is a technologist. 3. He is a student of metrology. So he is a metrologist. 4. He is a student of economics. So he is an economist. 5. He is a student of construction engineering. So he is a builder. 6. He is a student of mechanical engineering. So he is a mechanical engineer. VI. Name the specialists who work in these areas. physics – _____ ecology – _____ technology – _____ economy – _____ mathematics – _____ metrology – _____ programming – _____ architecture – _____ VII. You are probably familiar with the following jobs: physician, physicist, accountant, etc. Which description fits which job? 1. physician a) a student or expert in physics 2. physicist b) a person whose profession is to keep and examine business accounts 3. accountant c) a specialist in scientific and industrial fields 4. technician d) a doctor of medicine or surgery 5. technologist e) a skilled workman, especially who repairs VIII. Match the expressions from the columns to form synonyms. Use the dictionary if necessary.
IX. Fill in the blanks with the following: 1. Measure as … objects as possible. 2. Add … acid to the mixture. 3. Pour … liquid into the beaker. 4. Are there … instruments in the box? 5. There are not … nuts on the shelf. b) few, a few, little, a little 1. They have too… time for experiment. 2. There is … fuel in the tank. We need some more. 3. There are only … nails on the worktable. 4. There is … cement in the sack. That is enough. 5. There are … spare tyres in my garage. X. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1. – How are you do? 2. – Let me to introduce myself. My name's Alex Frolov. 3. He is fond in computers. 4. My best friend isn't interested at graffiti arts. 5. He's crazy of programming. 6. I'm really well at Chemistry. 7. Mark is a student of technology. He's a technician. 8. My mother's friend is a doctor. She is a physicist. 9. Who is this man? – He's an engineer. 10. Are these objects have different shapes? 11. – How width is the block? 12. The screw is the shortest than the nail. 13. – How many motor vehicles there are with mixed fuel engines? 14. – Are there some motorcycles with gas engines? XI. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Позвольте представиться. Я - мистер Гейтс, Ваш преподаватель английского языка. 2. Мы - студенты технического университета. 3. Он - студент первого курса и очень увлекается компьютерами. 4. Он учится на 3-м курсе. 5. Как вы поживаете? - Спасибо, хорошо. 6. Откуда Джон? - Джон из Лондона, он англичанин. 7. Олег, это мой хороший друг Павел. - Добрый день. - Добрый день. 8. - Кто это? - Это Ганс Шмидт. - Кто он? - Он - студент-первокурсник электротехнического факультета. - Кто он по национальности? - Он немец. 9. Олег из Минска, он белорус. 10. Чем занимается твой друг? - Он механик и студент машиностроительного факультета. Он хорошо разбирается в физике. 11. Он женат или холост? 12. Сколько ему лет? Writing I. This is how we write letters in English. Study this example. Martha is a German student who studies in Brighton. Read her letter to Gerhard, her friend in Germany.
We begin with Dear … Address, date | ||||||||||||||||
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34 Royal Street Brighton 17S 25th September | ||||||||||||||||
Dear Gerhard,
How's life? I'm well. Now I'm in Brighton. I am a student of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty here at the Polytechnic. There are 12 students in our group. They are from different countries – France, Russia, Turkey, the Ukraine, Syria, Bulgaria, and Belgium. All of them are very friendly. We are happy to study together. And our teachers are brilliant.
My address is at the top of the letter. I live in the hostel on campus. My roommate is a sophomore and we are really good friends. He is fond of physics as well as I am.
I'm really impressed by the size of our University. The buildings are very modern here. The students' canteen is very noisy and always full of hungry students. British food is tasty, but coffee is terrible here.
I'm really eager to study at this University but frankly speaking, I miss home.
Write to me back soon. Best wishes, Martha | ||||||||||||||||
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