In light of today`s realities of integration processes professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language continues to be one of the top priorities in higher education. Modern researches repeatedly confirm thatthe ability of graduates to communicate in a foreign language directly depends on the level of formation of lexical skills [Vepreva 2015:84]. For methodological purposes, it is necessary to determine the most significant lexical units, the possession of which will allow future specialists of Fire and Rescue Service toadequately perceive foreignlanguagespeech and communicate on a particular professional topic. The results of literature analysis show that the majority of scholars consider similar principles of selection of lexical minimum. However, the authors pay attention to the ones that are of greatimportance with regard to their researches. Taking into account the range of principles of vocabulary selection offered by different authors (N.D. Gal`skova, N.I. Gez, B.A. Lapidus, I.V.Rahmanov, N.N. Sergeeva, T.S. Serovaetc), the specifics of target audience and training program requirements, we tried to draw the principles of compilingthe lexicon of professionally-oriented discourse. The list of principles includes the following basicprinciples: thematic principle, the principle of frequency, the principle of compatibility, the principle of word-formation value, the principle of communicative value. With regard to the present study, the following additional principles were worked out: the principle of paradigmatic relations, the principle of interdisciplinary links. Next, weconsider the main features of the principles mentioned above. Thematic principle. On a thematic basis, the selected professionally significant lexical units can be grouped according to the list of topics defined for study by first and secondyear students. For instance, the following lexical units of thematic group“Firefighting Equipment” can be included in the lexical minimum: “extension ladder”, “fire truck”, “foam extinguisher”, “hose”, “pump”etc. The principle of frequency. Frequency refers to the total number of uses of a particularlexical unit in a single sourceor set of sources [Rudakova 1999: 100]. A word that is repeated at least three or four times in the text, audio or video material of professional discourse is taken as a unit of selection. The application of this quantitative principle, on the one hand, provides an objective selection of vocabulary at the levels of leading keywords and subordinate key lexical units[Serova 2010: 125], on the other hand, it allows to optimize a certain lexical group. The principle of compatibility. In this particular case, the lexical units that have the greatest potential for compatibility are selected. The principle of word-formation value. According to this principle, the mandatory minimum includes words that can form derivative units. This createsoptimal conditions for development of students’ ability to use language guess. Special emphasis should be placed on the principle of communicative value. In practice, this implies the inclusion of lexical units that contribute to the increase of communicative skills of students who master this minimum. In this case, preference is given to lexical units used by native speakers in both oral and written communication. The principle of paradigmatic relations of lexical units. The establishment of strong paradigmatic connections is necessary for memorizing the lexical information and formingthe lexical skills and abilities. The main types of paradigmatic semantic relations identified by the method of continuous sampling in the array of selected texts of English civil protection discourse are synonymy,antonymy, hyponym-hyperonym, part-whole etc. The principle of interdisciplinarylinks.Within the framework of research the lexical minimum comprises vocabulary that expresses the concepts encountered in the cycle of profilingdisciplines, for instance, “Emergency Situations”, “Emergency Services”, “Disaster Medicine”etc. In addition, the establishment of interdisciplinary links between linguistic andprofessionaldisciplines contributes to the development of students` creative abilities, system-oriented knowledge and terminological culture. Summarizing the above, we should note that the formulated principles of vocabulary selection allow us to developthevocabulary minimum that is sufficient for psychologicallycomfortable and effective foreignlanguage communicationin the field of civil protection.
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