CONFERENCE CALENDAR. till September 15. till October 11. October 22-23. REQUIREMENTS TO PAPER. Reports which do not meet formatting mentioned above are not to be published.. SUBMISSION OF PAPERSCONFERENCE CALENDAR Acceptance of papers till September 15 Publication of the conference program in the Internet till October 11 The work of the International conference October 22-23 REQUIREMENTS TO PAPER Text is printed on the A4 format paper and bordered from the edges in the following way: at the top -20 mm, from the bottom-25 mm, from the left – 25 mm, from the right- 25 mm. Pages are not to be numbered. Print size- 11pt. Font type -Times New Roman with single space between lines and paragraphs. The report volume is 1-2 full pages. The family name and first letters of the first name and father’s name are printed in capital letters and right-aligned. The report title is printed with capital letters (boldface) and center-aligned. The place of work (or study) and the country of residence are to be printed in italics, print size - 11pt.The text of the report is placed in one column.Column width is to be aligned, indentation - 1,25 cm. Reports which do not meet formatting mentioned above are not to be published. Authors of the best reports will have a possibility to publish a subsequent report in scientific journal “Vesnik suvyazi”, “Problemy Infokommunikacij”.
Please submit the following information to the Organizing Committee till September 15 (http://bsac.by/content/mezhdunarodnaya-nauchno-tehnicheskaya-konferenciya-sovremennye-sredstva-svyazi-0): · The application filled in the form attached (it is submitted only by e-mail); · The electronic version of the paper in RTF format (it is submitted only by e-mail); the file name should correspond to the first name of the reporter.