Application for Korean Language Program
Application for Korean Language Program
PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: First/Given name ______________________ Family/Surname_______________ Gender: Date of birth: DD/MM/YY Nationality: Passport NO: Visa status: I have visa/ I don’t have visa Visa Type: Valid until: Address: Email: Phone NO:
ACADEMIC BACKGROUND/WORK EXPERIENCE Highest Degree: Name of the last school: Major: Occupation: _________________ From: ____YYYY___ Workplace: Experience of studying Korean: Yes /No
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I’d like to enroll in: Period of study: _____ months Acquaintance in Korea: Relationship____________ Name__________________ Phone_________________ Occupation_____________ Workplace______________ Address_________________
FAMILY AND EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Please tell us about your family and your educational background
STUDY PLAN IN KYUNGBOK UNIVERSITY Please share with us the reasons why you want to study Korean language in our University and reasons why you are participating in this program.