Работу выполняем в тетради, записываем числоСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Работу выполняем в тетради, записываем число THE 22d OF SEPTEMBER TEST 1 Ответы во всех заданиях записываем следующим образом (номер задания, цифра-буква): 1. 1 a 2 b 3 c РАБОТЫ СДАЕМ 23.09.2020 (ФОТО) ЛИЧНЫМ СООБЩЕНИЕМ ВКОНТАКТЕ (http://vk.com/idkatesergeevna) ИЛИ НА ПОЧТУ ekaterina_kurshina@mail.ru Unit 1 Test 1. What do you look like? 1. Listen to the news and tick the correct answer 1.The police are looking for a)a man b) a boy c)a girl 2.He is a)10 years old b)20 years old c)12 years old 3. He is a) short and plump b) tall and slim c) short and slim 4. He has got a) long black hair b) short brown hair c) long brown hair 5. He has got jeans and a) a black top on b) a green top on c)a dark top on 2. Match the words with their translation.
1 good-looking a милый 2 pretty b привлекательный 3 handsome c курносый 4attractive d красивый 5 ugly e уродливый 6 thin f вьющийся 7 fair g похожий на 8 grey h волнистый 9 straight i прямой 10 curly j седой 11 wavy k овальный 12 oval l хорошо выглядящий 13turned-up m светлый 14 look-like n тонкий
3. Match the adjectives with their Degrees of Comparison variant.
1 good a taller- the tallest 2 tall b more expensive- the most expensive 3 stupid c darker- the darkest 4 expensive d tidier-the tidiest 5 dark e more beautiful — the most beautiful 6 beautiful f older- the oldest 7 old g prettier — the prettiest 8 tidy h worse — the worst 9 pretty i better — the best 10 bad j more stupid — the most stupid
4. Read the text and choose the correct variant.
Tony is Peter`s friend. He lives not far from the Williamsons` house. What does he look like? Tony isn`t very tall. He is medium height. He is slim and well built. He is handsome. His hair is black and curly. His face is round. His nose is hooked and his eyes are big and brown. His lips are red. What is he like? Tony is calm, cheerful and funny. Sometimes he is lazy at school. But on the whole he isn`t silly. Sometimes he is shy with the girls. His clothes are very tidy. He takes care of his appearance and clothes.
1 Tony is ... . a) tall b) medium height
2 He is ... . a) slim b) fat
3 His hair is ... . a) black and curly b) fair and straight
4 Tony is ... . a) dull b) cheerful
5 He is very ... . a) tidy b) untidy
6 He takes care of his ... . a) books b) appearance