Прочитайте и переведите текст устно, лексику перепешите в тетрадь:Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно, лексику перепешите в тетрадь: THE IMPORTANCE OF FARM ANIMALS. Animal husbandry is a branch of agricultural production. It includes the breeding of farm animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry are bred throughout the world. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man, They produce meat, milk and eggs. These are highly nutritious products. Animal husbandry is closely connected with plant growing. Different plants such as grasses, grain crops and some vegetables are used in feeding livestock. At the same time manure produced by livestock is an important source for the maintenance of soil fertility. Animal husbandry supplies industry with such raw materials as wool, fat, leather, down and feather. These raw materials are used by man for many purposes. Cattle have been the most important draft animals in agriculture. Now more than half of the world uses horses and cattle as draft animals.Domestic animals have been important in the economy of most countries for thousands of years. They are very important as the sources of animal protein. Пояснения к тексту 1. animal husbandry - животноводство 2. the breeding of farm animals - разведение сельскохозяйствен- ных животных 3. plant growing - растениеводство 4. draft animals - тягловый (рабочий) скот Запомните: 1. some - несколько, некоторый 2.the same - тот же самый, один и тот же 2. Активные слова и выражения переведите на русский язык: animal, animal husbandry, dairy, beef, cattle, hog, sheep, poultry to breed (bred), to produce, to supply (with), meat, milk, egg grail, grain, to feed (fed), domestic, horse, livestock, to use, some, the same. 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. What farm animals are bred by man? 2. Why are farm animals very important for us? 3. What do they produce? 4. Why is animal husbandry closely connected with plant growing? 5. Do animals supply industry with raw materials? 6. Are horses and cattle used as draft animals? 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами: produce, grasses, eggs, farm animals, nutritious, animal husbandry: 1. Different plants are used in feeding ... . 2. ... is a branch of agricultural production. 3. Poultry produce meat and.... 4. Farm animals supply us with highly ... products. 5. Dairy cattle ... milk. 6. Grain crops and ... are used in feeding farm animals.