Времена в действительном залогеСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
The words order
Ex.1 Change the words order in the following sentences according to the rule. 1.The information was received important after finished this on animals long-lasting experiment had been.2.Many different clinics the institute has.3.Diplomas get the students after the institute the training of course.4.The patient treat the specialists of hospital.5.Clinics was the drug being for nearly tested two years in.6.At different medical establishments institute work the students.7.Was very efficient the drug has prescribed the doctor.7.Is the task to treat the patients of the doctor.8.The operation they never been have present at.9.Will be the drug before tested thoroughly use clinical 10.Duty on the nurse history will be on the case filled in by. 11.For experiment was already 2 months caried out being.12.Ought to the needs this be attentive be more doctor more of patients his to.
Ex. 2 What auxiliary or a modal verb is necessary to use in order to ask a question to the following sentences.
1. My friend is a first year student 2.All the students from our group are from Saint-Petersburg. 3.The drug has been thoroughly tested under laboratory conditions.4.The lecture was delivered by a famous neurologist.5.Once this disease had been widely spread in this area.6.He can carry out this operation himself.7.The girl will be operated for gastric ulser.8.Blood analysis had to be made several days ago.9.You are to go there just after the lessons.10.The nurse carries out all the doctor's prescriptions.11.My friend often goes to the dissecting room.12.I know this physician well.13.My parents don't want me to become a surgeon.14.I shall go home today at 5 o'clock.15.I like my studies at the University.15.You may do this work after the lessons.
Ex.3 Change the words order to ask a question.
1.Has been he ever present at the lecture?2.Being was he read a book by nurse when the doctor entered the ward ?3.Just has he come?4.Has she been styding English fo 4 years already ? 5.He is a surgeon ? 6.Interesting was the lecture ?7.Has this operated been patient already? 8Was being the drug tested in laboratory for the last two years ?9.This scientist has just returned from the conference ? 10.Been You have already examined ?11.For 2 months been they have the experiment carrying out already? 12.Measured pressure blood your was ?
Ex.4. Make up the interrogative sentences and translate them into Russian.
Did the student Seriously ill Were the exam on biochemistry Will this drug effective for headache Is the disease have your chest X-rayed Are this book study in our institute Has you go to the cinema Have this patient (s) like anatomy Am they difficult Do the nurse continue to spread Does these instrument (s) a dangerous one Shall the doctor ill with tuberculosis they present at the lecture.
Ex.5 Translate the sentences into English.
1.Сколько лет этому больному? 2.Где палата № 5?3.Когда вы пойдете в поликлинику? 4.Зачем ему это лекарство?5.Сколько дней вас мучают эти симптомы?6.Как вы себя чувствуете сейчас?7.Откуда вы узнали об этом лекарстве?8.Сколько вы пробыли в больни- це? 9.Почему вы хотите пойти к этому врачу? 10.Как вы добрались туда? 11.Откуда поступил этот больной? 12.Какой из этих методов дает хороший результат? 13.Сколько времени вы тратите на подготовку эксперимента? 14.Чей это больной? 15. Кого вы сегодня встретили в клинике? 16.Сколько человек примут участие в эксперименте? 17.Сколько стоит проведение такой операции ? 18.В какой медицинский центр вы обычно направляете пациента с гастритом? 19.Как давно вы здесь работаете ? 20.Зачем вам это знать ? 21.От кого вы узнали об этом методе лечения ? 22.Откуда у вас этот журнал ? 23.Чья очередь ? 24.Кого вы просили помочь вам? 25.Который час ?
Ex.6 Ask the questions to the underlined words.
1. This institute was founded in 1907.2.The most interesting lecture was delivered by this professor in April. 3. The result of the experiment was very important 4. Yesterday for 2 hours the patient was waiting for his doctor.5.The incidence of this disease is rather high now in this country.6.Special purification plants have been built to protect the evironment. 7. Polyclinics provide different kinds of medical treatment for the inhabitants of the certain district. 8.There are many medical establishments in our country. 9.The doctor used some solutions to clean the wound.10.The patient was treated with drugs.11. Soon this new method will be introduced into everyday practice.12.The best way to prevent diseases is to discover them at an early stage.13The patient followed the doctor's recommendations and soon recovered.14.The young scientist performed many experiments on laboratory animals last week.15.These remedies are very toxic.
Ex.7.Translate the following word chains into Russian.
Lung function; traditional acupuncture group;respiratory murmur;saturation pressure; surface current velocity;air mass;air mass density;temperature drop; water drop temperature;line motion:light waves;a test result indicator;a document list; a dose dependent effect;virus tissue;objective measures;subjective scores;potent pathogen;cystic fibrosis;nitrogen free; peptide release.
Ex.8 Make up the negative sentences from the following words. 1.of 2.still 3.not 4.pathogenesis 5.known 6. disease 7.this 8.is
2. 1.cases 2.effective 3.is 4.drug 5.such 6.this 7.in 8.not
3. 1.developed 2.of 3.countries 4.is 5.smallpox 6.no 7.in 8. there 9.cases
1.a 2.condition 3.this 4.causes 5.virus 6.serious 7.never 8.such
5. 1.known 2.cause 3.Koch 4.not 5.before 6.of 7.was 8.actual 9.tuberculosis
6. 1.vaccines 2.be 3.of 4.the 5.frozen 6.not 7.some 8.must
7. 1.my 2.does 3.biology 4.like 5.friend 6.not
8. 1.has 2.before 3.this 4.been 5.drug 6.used 7. never
9. 1. there 2.patient 3.obvious 4.in 5.symptoms 6.were 7.the 8.no
1.diseases 2.not 3.viruses 4.cause 5.some 6.always 7.serious 8.do
1.in 2.clear 3.doctor 4.diagnosis 5.the 6.not 7.district 8.was
12. 1.diseases 2.differentiated 3.many 4.cannot 5.differentiated 6.early 7.stage 8.an 9.be
13. 1.follow 2.was 3.prescription 4.in 5.to 6.doctor's 7.difficult 8.not
1. antibiotics 2.administered 3.are 4.such 5.not 6.in 7. cases
15. 1.did 2.follow 3.recommendations 4.the 5.want 6.patients 7.doctor's 8.to 9.not
Ex.9 Make up an interview between a pediatrician and the relatives of the patient on the basis of the following terminology:
to have fever,to cough,to have severe sweating at night,to have a chronic chest disease, to have pains in the chest,to be vaccinated,to be in contact,to stay in bed,to have a high temperature,to take antibiotics,to have a sore throat,to have a headache,to have pneumonia, respiratory tract symptoms,to give analgetics.warm drink.
Ex.10 Make up the declarative sentences from the following words:
1. 1.brain 2.material 3.basis 4.thinking 5.man's 6.is 7.the 8.of
2. 1.main 2.is 3.the 4.heart 5.of 6.organ 7.circulation 9.blood
3. 1.anatomy 2.for 3.every 4.knowledge 5.necessary 6.doctor 7.of 8.is
4. 1.diseases 2.used 3.vaccination 4.to 5.most 6.prevent 7.serious 8.is 9.the
5. 1.lungs 2.in 3.may 4.severe 5.be 6.cases 7.affected
6. 1.organs 2.functions 3.systems 4.are 5.similar 6.united 7.with 8.into
7. 1.anatomy 2.structure 3.bodies 4.studies 5.human 6.the 7.of 8.and 9.animal
8. 1.lungs 2.the 3.air 4.respiration 5.to 6.required 7.into 8.bring 9.is
1. developed 2. many 3.years 4.effective 5.are 6.drugs 7.new 8.every
1.body 2.there 3.many 4.the 5.human 6.different 7.organs 8.in 9.are
11. 1.necessary 2.different 3.blood 4.body 5.nutrients 6.carries 7.for 8.the 9.functioning
12. 1,ago 2.the 3.over 4.to 5.two 6.be 7days 8.experiment 9.had
1.undergo 2.patient 3.analyses 4.some 5.the 6.additional 7.to 8.has
Ex.11 Translate the following sentences using the table. 1.Почему он поступил в медицинский институт?2.На каком уровне должна быть сани- тария и гигиена в больнице?3.Как вы добираетесь до института?4.Когда был основан институт?5.Что обычно делает ваша подруга по вечерам? 6.Кто должен отвечать? 7.Где сейчас живет ваш друг?8.Сколько лет вашей сестре?9.Сколько дней вы пробудете там?10.Где вы были вчера вечером?11.Какую из этих книг вы хотите прочитать?12.Чей это мешок?13.С кем ты пойдешь домой?14.Сколько времени длилась операция? 15.За- чем ты вызвал врача?16.Ты был вчера в институте ?17.Сколько стоит билет в кино ? 18.Это лекарство хорошо помогает от головной боли?19.Откуда вы идете?20.Зачем вы рассказали больному об этом методе? 21.С чей тетради ты списал это?22.Сколько страниц в этой книге ?
Whom level is the ticket yesterday evening How long was he the medical institute What bag had you go home with Who of these is this last Why books has our institute live now Where old do your friend get to the institute When much did hygiene and be in a hospital Which notebook does sanitation go to the institute yesterday Whose many will there call the doctor in pages were this drug copy it from have the operation in this book are your sister tell the patient about shall this method were do in the evening stay there want to read founded effective for a headache going from to the cinema cost to answer
Времена в действительном залоге
1Поставьте глагол в необходимую по смыслу форму 1.I just /come/.2.My friend /in read/an interesting book now.3. He always /to go/ to the institute by tram.4.The boy /to study/English for 5 years already.5.The doctor /to examine/ the patient when the nurse entered the ward.6.These students /to study/at the institute since last year.7.Some people /to like/ to travel.8.Every year my parents /to spend/their holidays in the South.9.Soon I /to go/home.10.In three years my friend /to graduate/from the institute. 11.I /to see/never this film.12.The surgeon /to operate/ on the patient from 10 to 11 yesterday. 13.The patient /to ask/ the nurse to take his temperature.14.She /to hear/about such a disease already.15.She /to hear/ about such a disease already.16.The drug /to be / very effective.