Restrictions. Submission requirements. Jury and Organizers. Additional Information ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Restrictions To participate in the festival can be presented films, cartoons and documentary videos that were created not earlier 2017. Age of the participants has no limit. Music videos are accepted to participate in case where the director ensures that he has all necessary rights to the audiovisual product (design, music and lyrics). Submission requirements 1. Completed electronical entry form and scan-copy of entry form signed by right owner. 2. Download link for screening in the following formats: «mp4» or «mov» - to atkfest@atk-studio.ru 3. Download link for screening in the following formats: «mp4» or «mov» 4. Movie trailer to atkfest@atk-studio.ru.
Do not forget to specify the name of your film in the subject line references.
All materials should be send in one e-mail.
Jury and Organizers The jury which will consist of no more than 5 professionals are formed every year. Non-profit foundation for the development of National cinema “New Format” «ATK-Studio» Film Company «URSUS» Film Company President of festival: Аlexander Tyutryumov – actor, producer, director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Member of the Union of Cinematographers. PhD in Economics. Professor of Department of Production, St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television.
Additional Information The submitted projects are considered for the festival selection committee on the results of which short lists of main competition are made. Participation in the festival by sending request to participate with movie, documentary film, cartoon suppose consent of the applicant-participant to the festival regulations. The rights of the films and projects belong to the creators, wherein all participants pass to the festival the right to use and demonstrate films and clips on Film Festival television channel ATK-TV, where all the participants will compete for the Audience Award. The festival participants will be invited to the closing ceremony, where the winners will be announced and awarded by certificates of participants, winners and statuettes. In the event of technical impossibility, the prize may be awarded to member of the film-laureate creative group. The closing ceremony will be covered in the media.