Evsey, Muravyov-Apostol, Alexander the First, Muravyov, Trubetskoy ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1808. Pension (boarding school) of Hicks, Paris Patron of the pension, Muravyov-Apostol, Napoleon - Boys, attention! (Napoleon walks in) His Majesty, The Emperor. Your Imperial Majesty, these are the best students of our pension. - Only one can be the best. - They all are excellent at studying, Your Majesty. Muravyov doubts, then stands out. - I am the best at mathematics, rhetoric and Latin, Your Majesty. - Is it your opinion? Or also someone else’s? - It is true. - Voltaire says, the liberty is the equality of each and every one in front of the law. Do you agree? - No, Your Majesty. The liberty is an opportunity to follow your destiny. - Then I will let you continue your thought. Alas, to follow your destiny you must know it first. The liberty of which you are talking about is of great rareness. - Yes. The Ancients said a nation which gave birth to one free man is a great nation. - Are we, the French, a great nation? - Yes. But I’m Russian. - Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, the son of a Russian ambassador. - I would like my son to be like you. (Napoleon walks out). - Serge!
Saint-Petersburg, 1826. Nikolay the Emperor, Muravyov-Apostol - (picking up M.-A.’s case) Muravyov-Apostol, Sergey Ivanovich. Twenty nine years old. I remember you. In the Semyonovsky regiment. Noble. Was brought up in a boarding school in Paris, unmarried, of Orthodox belief and Greek christening. Hasn’t been on a confession to Saint communion ever since 1821. And why? Were you afraid to let out your plans? - I had nothing to confess. - And now? - Even now. - Does this mean I have to let you go? Does this mean you aren’t guilty of anything? - (Muravyov sighs) - I can’t understand you. - It’s very easy for you to understand us. You are just like us. - No. There is a difference between the legitimate authority and the impostors who claim themselves to be the saviors of their Motherland. - There isn’t. - Explain yourself. - Both you and us have decent aims, but the means are criminal. March 18th, 1814. The Supreme Review of the Russian army in honour of the take of Paris. Muravyov-Apostol, Artamon Muravyov, Prince Sergey Trubetskoy, people in the distance, Alexander the Emperor, Miloradovich - Artamon! Artamon, brother! - Seryozha! - Hurry up, brother, the Emperor’s coming to see us! - How, the Emperor himself? - That’s how! Victory! Let me through! The Emperor’s coming to see us! (catches a bouquet from the woman on the balcony) Merci, mademoiselle! Vive la France! - Sergey Ivanovich, you’re alive! Alive! - I am! (sees Trubetskoy) Here’s the champagne, Serge, let’s ask the Emperor to drink with us! - Are you already drunk? That’s impossible! - We’ve had victory over Napoleon, now everything is possible, Prince! - Fall in! - (nervously, to his servant Evsey) How do I look? Okay, great. - Eyes to the right! Attention! - Thank you for your service! - Happy to obey! - Evsey! - I am proud of my serving in the same regiment as you! - Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! - (as Alexander stops his horse near to Muravyov) I… - Would you like to order to arrest him, Your Majesty? - Leave him. Victory!
Saint Petersburg, theatre, 1820 Ann Belskaya, Muravyov-Apostol, Belskaya the mother, officer - I don’t believe you! This can’t be true. - And because of that it is the sheer truth. I almost got kicked out of the Guard. They forbid me to run after the Emperor with champagne! The soldiers on the sentry will be ordered to shoot if they see me near to the Winter Palace with a bottle! - Ann, you are disturbing me from watching the play! - Dear mother, the scene is there, not here. - The scene is everywhere. Count Miloradovich, the General-Governor of Saint Petersburg. - What was it that saved you? - My insanity was thought to be because of the air in Paris. It’s commonly known to have frivolities spilled in it. But the northern wind of my homeland cooled me down. - So, were you insane or sincere? - I was happy, and the sincerity is the insanity. - And did Napoleon really say that he would like his son to be like you? - I wouldn't like to have him as a father. He needed the whole world - and I want more. I love you. - How flexible she is… Is it true she is Circassian? - Gentlemen, it’s urgent for you to arrive at the regiment now. - I’m sorry, but I’m forced to leave you alone. Barracks of the Life Guard of the Semyonovsky regiment. Muravyov-Apostol, Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, officer - Wait! Stop. I said stop! - Stop, stop! - Sergey… - What is it? - The regiment is rioting. - What? - The soldiers want to kill Schwartz. They pushed all the officers out and will not let anybody in unless the complaint on Schwartz is accepted. Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, subensign of the Semyonovsky regiment - I tried to speak to them, it’s impossible! - We have called for the Horse Guards, gentlemen, they will put things into order. - We are the guard and we are the order! - Are you? Are these your soldiers rioting there behind the wall? Wait for the horse guards. - Sergey, wait! - Sergey Ivanovich!
Soldiers of the Semyonovsky regiment, Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Muravyov-Apostol - Come out to align! (throwing a stone into the window) - Come out, Your Excellency! - Serge, Serge! Let’s go. - Come on, go, go, go! - Bestuzhev! The porch! - Stop this! What are you doing? Belay, everyone, belay, I said! Let me through! Belay! I said belay! - What do you think you’re doing? You are rioting! What do you want? - We want to flog Schwartz! - The chevalier of the Georgian cross! - Belay, everyone! I said, belay! You, all of you, are the soldiers of the Guard, not the drunk folk in the streets! - Could you speak a bit more quiet, Your Excellency? - Belay, I said! An officer is standing in front of you! - Is it true, Boychenko? - At the forming-up, I didn’t have time to do up my pants after the bog. I’ve been serving for 15 years! I fought Bonaparte! And that’s what I got! - Calm down! Quiet! - No! No. The Emperor serves in our regiment. Let’s let him know what is happening in here. Remember how you went to the baths through the city, without the officers? - Yes, yes, we do! - So, line up in companies and march to the fortress! Let the whole city, the whole garrison, let the Emperor himself know that you came to be judged by your own will and didn’t kill your commander! - So maybe you could lead us then, Your Excellency? - No, pals, no. Do it by yourselves. Otherwise I’m getting a medal and you stay the same rebels as you were.
The Grand Duke Nikolay, Count Miloradovich - Your Excellency, Count Miloradovich. - Your Highness. - Have the instigators of the riot been revealed? - It is not a riot, but a misunderstanding. The soldiers have accepted being guilty and go under arrest by themselves. The officers who calmed them down are preparing a report for the Emperor. Nikolay Pavlovich, The Grand Duke - Report to the Emperor that, thank God, everything is alright. Alexey Orlov, the commander of the Horse Guard - Let’s leave the decision of was it alright or not to the Emperor.
Russia had victory over Napoleon and became the first power in the world for a couple of decades. But inside the country the wish for changes grew more and more - wished by Alexander as well. The acceptance of the Constitution, setting serfs free, twenty five years of serving abolition, the reform of the court. Then appeared tens of societies which main aim was to reform Russia. Most of them were secret. In Saint-Petersburg a group of Guard officers formed one and named it “The Union of Salvation”.
Kondratiy Feodorovich Ryleyev, Prince Sergey Petrovich Trubetskoy, Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Colonel Pavel Pestel, Sergey Muravyov-Apostol - Oops! So… wait a second, Mister Pestel. And now, who can drink this glass with one hand behind their back? Sergey Trubetskoy, Сaptain of the Semyonovsky regiment - If I were you, I wouldn’t have standed up for Schwartz. - Kondratiy Feodorovich, please! - I think I’ll pass. - (in response to Trubetskoy) Schwartz is in truth a bad of a commander, but he is still a human. I can’t understand you. (to Bestuzhev) And how come the wine doesn’t spill? - Magic. Sorcery. - If the soldiers in our regiment killed a commander, maybe it would have made the Emperor think and he would have started doing something. Pavel Pestel, the adjutant of the Second army’s commander - Maybe you should pour the wine into the dish, but that takes even more than three hands… - You’re far from the solution, Mister Pestel, so far. - (in response to Muravyov-Apostol) And now because of your prowess everything’s alright, an he can continue calmly rolling all around Europe and taking parades. - What, no one else wants to try? - (in response to Trubetskoy) Maybe it’s good you weren’t there then. - I’d rather watch it from the distance. - I’ve got nothing on my mind, to be honest. - Gentlemen… (solving the riddle) - You are a sort of a magician. - Hold it, go, go, go. - Now, that’s lovely. - Bravo! - Seryozha, how did you know? Have I already shown you this? - It was me who showed this trick, you’ve forgotten it! - Mister Ryleyev, I’d be grateful if you could present me this plate. Kondratiy Ryleyev, a poet and a journalist. - Well, of course, take it, but why, Pavel Ivanovich? - Why? For this. (taps the bottom of the plate) - You’re interested in imperial porcelain, aren’t you, Pavel Ivanovich? - That’s a fading epoche. - But that’s true. If the soldiers of our regiment or any other open up the doors of the armory, imagine what will happen, gentlemen, just imagine! All the European revolutions will seem to be a Christmas day feast. - So let it be! Then it will be the same as in France, although I would prefer it to be more United States-like. - In France, the aristocrats were being hung on lanterns. If it would be like in France, everybody in this room will be dead. - We’ll see, Prince… - That’s why in Russia the aristocrats need to make the revolution a short and unbloody one. - But it’s still a revolution. - Mister Ryleyev, a military revolution. - In the South you have turned into a true Jacobin, Pavel Ivanovich. You were planning to save Russia, and now what? You want a revolution. - Well, it is the salvation itself! To cut the top with one punch and take the power. (beats a plate) For luck! - The Union of Salvation, gentlemen. - Yeah.
The Winter Palace. Count Miloradovich, The Grand Duke Nikolay, Muravyov-Apostol, Trubetskoy - (Miloradovich walks in) We, Alexander the First, the Emperor and the Autocrat of Russia etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, order: colonel Schwartz, Fyodor Efimovich, for his disability to keep the regiment which he commanded to obedience, to be sentenced to death; for the treason of the oath and the violation of the military regulations, Semyonovsky regiment of the Life Guard to be disbanded; all the officers to be discharged from the guard and to be sent to the military units of the First and Second armies in Malorossiya without the right of the leave and retirement; Captain Trubetskoy to be left in the guard and to be given secondment to the General base, for, during the criminal events, he was absent from the regiment; regarding the prior excellent serving of colonel Schwartz, the death penalty to be replaced with retirement without the preservation of the maintenance. His Majesty, The Emperor of Russia, signed it himself. - (as Schwartz falls) Fyodor Efimovich… - Help him. - Gentlemen… Fyodor Efimovich… - Your Excellency, Mikhail Andreevich, the punishment is excessive. The soldiers repented. Talk with the Emperor. - I’m sorry, Sergey Ivanovich. - The Emperor serves in your regiment. How can he trust you from now on? Lawlessness cannot be justified. - And by what law were we punished? - The supreme will is the law. At least accept your fate with honour.
Five years passed. The society divided into a Northern and Southern one.
Ukraine, Kiev Province, 1825 Pavel Pestel, Muravyov-Apostol, Alexander the Emperor, Count Miloradovich, Lieutenant-Colonel Gebel, Nikolay - Our country’s huge, and the folk’s low-browed. We’ll have to break them, or we’ll be the ones who are broken. Everywhere and always, it’s the minority who decide for the majority. The main thing now is the first punch. Artamon Muravyov, Colonel, the commander of Ahtirski hussars. - It should be and must be struck from here. Arkadiy Maiboroda, captain of the Vyatsky regiment. - There’s enough strength. The members of our society in Saint-Petersburg assume they will be ready to start in a year or year-and-a-half time. But we should start now. It would be easier for them to decide and move towards us. During all his reign His Majesty hasn’t missed one review. He won’t miss this one too. All of the army’s officership will be with him that day. And somebody of the Grand Dukes, too. - Attack! Forward! Align! - The second platoon, column left, march! - What is this manoeuvre? - Lieutenant-Colonel Gebel, these are your Chernigov boys. - The way! - The way! - Lieutenant Colonel Muravyov! - Forward, march! - We need to go, please, go away, please. - Please, follow me. - Take away the Emperor! - Belay! Aback! Lieutenant Colonel, stop the soldiers. Aback! - Align! Aim! Fall in! Halt! - (coming into a tent) Please. - Gentlemen! You are under arrest. - Colonel, is this a revolt? - No, sir. It’s a revolution. - Who’s that? - Traitors… - If the Emperor stays alive, he will be protected by millions of nobles, soldiers, the rabble. Then we won’t be the winners. The murderer of the Emperor ought to be annihilated the same moment. He will know about it and he will be ready to sacrifice himself for the benefit of our business. The retinue will be arrested for the allowance of the attempt on the Emperor. After this, units loyal to us will move towards the capital, carrying away all the others. Muravyov-Apostol, Pestel, Artamon Muravyov - But your plan has a flaw. - Which flaw? - How many people will you kill on your way to liberty? - As many as needed. And you? - Yeah… - You are afraid to get dirty. Well, I’ll make it without you then. - Without my Chernigovians, Ahtirski hussars and the Poltavsky regiment? It’s up to you. - I can’t understand what you have to a greater extent - naivety or pride. Do you want to win or to become a hero? - I want to win as a hero. - Didn’t come to an agreement. Now they’ll order to wait. Years are passing by, I have three kids, I’m a Colonel, and I’m still sick with these hopes.
Ukraine, Tulchin, headquarters of the Second army. Pestel, Alexey Yushnevskiy - Is Muravyov still waiting for a signal from the capital? - Yes, as if in case the affair is started by Trubetskoy, the Emperor will be left alive and breathing. Anyway, I’ve known Muravyov for a long time. If we start without him, he’ll definitely follow us. As well as Trubetskoy. They’ll fear to be notoriously known as traitors. Is this what I think it is? - You’ll see. - The road to Saint-Petersburg is open. The supplies of the Second army are ours. But how? - The drought. The prices for fodder and food are extremely high. Alexey Yushnevskiy, the General-Intendant of the Second army. - Here, in Malorossia, we have everything in excess. I suggested saving state money and buying what they needed here, arranging a storage - also here. Far from the borders and closer to the capital. - Along the Rzhev road. You are in truth a magician. - I’m just the army’s financier. And that’s why I’m asking you to close the shortage of the lease in your regiment. Checks are being done. It would be stupid if all our plans go down the drain because of a small detail .
Captain Maiboroda, Pestel - Your Excellency… - Sit down, Mister Maiboroda. You, captain, have a debt. You’ve crossed all the deadlines. - I have. But what must I do if I’ve got nothing? - Look for it. And for now, write a receipt - please. - What receipt? - Stating that you have taken six thousand and four hundred rubles from the officer counter for your own needs. - Well, I haven’t taken it. - Well, I have. To cover your spendings, of course. - Then you should write it. - What? - Of course, the money is state, but I’ve made much more for our business. A sort of… payment for the risks. And for it not to cause any troubles, maybe we could think something up? - Don’t worry about it, we could make up a story. - Pavel Ivanovich, this sum of money isn’t worthy of our quarrelling. - (taking out a pistol) You don’t want to quarrel with me. - I’ll give it back, Pavel Ivanovich. I’m telling you the truth, I swear. I have no money at the moment. - Write the damn receipt, captain. - Okay. I will, don’t worry. Don’t worry. - Thank you. Tsarskoye Selo. Ivan Dibich, Alexander - All the listed conspirators serve in Malorossia, in the First and Second armies. Alexander the First, the Emperor. - Would you like to order to cancel the Supreme Review? Ivan Dibich, the head of the headquarters. - Or at least to reschedule it until the investigation is over? - The investigation? Why? It’s already clear infantry captain Maiboroda wrote the truth. Mister Pestel and his friends wish the best for their Motherland. The Constitution, the elected Parliament, liberty for the tillers… I want all of this myself. - They are thinking of taking you as a hostage or even killing you. Your Majesty… - I’ll figure it out by myself. Leave it unnoticed. Colonel Amfelt, Dibich - And what did the Emperor say? - Do you get heartburn when you eat lard? - Unfortunately, I haven’t got a chance to know, Your Excellency. - Well, now you’ve got one. You’re going to Kiev. Yeah... Kiev province. Colonel Amfelt, Shcherbatov, Bestuzhev - Aim! Fire! - Forward! Alexey Scherbatov, general, commander of the Forth infantry corps. - Let me introduce Colonel Amfelt to you. He has arrived from Saint-Petersburg with a special mission from the minister of war, general Dibich. - Gentlemen, you have been preparing for a year or so, I know, however, His Majesty the Emperor cancelled the Supreme Review. That’s all what I wanted to tell you. I assume, you understand why you were the first to hear the news. - I’m no Amfelt and I won’t beat around the bush. According to the Russian laws, for what you’ve thought of doing you must be quartered. You better come back to your units. The history is being written in Saint-Petersburg, and it only dies here. - After me, forward, march! Ann Belskaya appears.
Tsarskoye Selo. Alexander, Nikolay, senator Mordvinov - Ask him to come to me. Mordvinov bows and comes next to Nikolay. - I’ve been ruling for twenty five years and I couldn’t remake the cantons of Switzerland here in Russia. Everyone wants liberty, but nobody wants to pay for it. Remember that. This is my will. You will become the Emperor after me. And you will continue what I began. You will do what I didn’t. - Why me, and not Konstantin? By the law, the throne goes to the eldest of the brothers. - My will is the law. And Konstantin… Konstantin will renounce. - I am unloved. The Guard is for Konstantin. - The Guard is for the Emperor. But this isn’t going to happen tomorrow. We’ll be prepared. My wife is ill. I’m departing to Taganrog. The doctors hope the climate there will help her. I will return only God knows when and announce my decision to the Senate.
Kiev province. The Shcherbatov’s house Scherbatov, Belskaya the mother, Belskaya the daughter, servant - The capital - considering all my love towards it - is still rather an artificial and unnatural thing. Frankly, here everything is much easier. People live in harmony with nature. I’m starting to find pleasure in such simple life and society. - What’s left for you anyway, brother? You got sent here, and now you’re playing Russo, but in truth you are an Aesop’s fox. Saint-Petersburg’s flaw is its distance. And I’m counting days until we leave from here. - Your Excellency, this was left on our porch. With a note. - Dear Uncle, let me do it for you. - What is it? - (smiling) It only says: “Les fous changeant le monde” (The insane change the world). - Alas, I ascertain in this phrase more and more as the years are passing by.
The same night Ann met Sergey Muravyov-Apostol again, after four years of separation. Mute scene: they meet and kiss.
Vasilkov, Kiev province Anastasiy Kuzmin, Muravyov-Apostol, Gebel, Solovyov - The first unit, left turn, march! Left turn, march! - Halt! Dear officers! - Attention! Gustav Gebel, Colonel, the commander of the Chernigovsky regiment. - Ensign, leave us alone. Sergey Ivanovich, put yourself to a proper appearance. Continue, please. - Continue! - Let’s walk together a bit, Sergey Ivanovich, shall we? Casemates. Gebel, Muravyov-Apostol, Baranov - Here we are, let’s see. A Major in the past, now a soldier of your battalion - Baranov. He showed disobedience while you were in Kiev, got drunk to a degree. You may be wondering why he got his mouth tied. I ordered so. But he managed to tell us a lot. I heard it, the others did as well. - What could he say to get his mouth shut? - Well, he said that soon his rank would be given back to him and everything would be right, as if you have promised such things to him. That’s what, Sergey Ivanovich. He also said that the serving would be shortened, we would live according to a Constitution and much, much more… - Sergey Ivanovich… - What changes do you need? You are a son of a senator, you’ve got wealth, serving, your men have land. What would you want to change? - Well, if you change nothing, you can lose what you already have. - And who is going to force me to lose it, huh? You? Baranov maybe? Try it out, Sergey Ivanovich. Saint-Petersburg, 1825, November. Ryleyev, Panov, Kakhovsky, Bestuzhev, Obolensky Dmitriy Shchepin-Rostovskiy, staff captain of the Moskovsky regiment. - I know full well the dire fate Which must upon the patriot wait Who first dare rise against the foe And at the tyrant aim the blow. This is my destined fate - but say When, when has freedom won her way Without the blood of martyrs shed, When none for liberty have bled? My coming doom I feel and know And bless the stroke which lays me low And, father, now with joy I meet My death, to me such end is sweet - Bravo! Bravo. - Thank you, gentlemen. It went well, didn’t it? Evgeniy Obolensky, Lieutenant, adjunct of the Guard corps. - Gentlemen… - Sergey Petrovich. Prince. Pyotr Kakhovsky, a retired Lieutenant - Tell Trubetskoy, if he has no gut to do it, we’ll do it by ourselves. Mikhail Bestuzhev, Staff Captain of the Moskovsky regiment. - Tell him we’re ready. - Convince him. Nikolay Panov, an ensign of the Grenadier regiment. - My coming doom… Such beautiful words.
Ryleyev, Trubetskoy, Pestel - We will not go out just because you have been revealed. You should have been more prudent. Now your main aim is to hide yourselves, or maybe even disband the Southern society. What do you think, Kondratiy Feodorovich? - Personally, I don’t trust Pavel Ivanovich. And I haven’t been trusting him for a long time now. - Kondratiy Fedorovich, you ought to know some words mustn’t be thrown out loud. - Pardon me, Pavel Ivanovich, pardon me. It wasn’t for what you thought it was. I understand perfectly that you aren’t lying and you wouldn’t have lied to us anyway. You merely didn’t tell us the main thing. If here, in Saint-Petersburg, we went out unprepared, we wouldn’t succeed. But there would be losses, tons of them. And here you are, Pavel Ivanovich. Me and Sergey Petrovich are just a match that will ignite everything and burn out itself, aren’t we? - Your words humiliate you. Be ashamed the one who thought of this. - I salute you. Well... - There’s only one thing I can’t bear in mind: if they have been revealed, why no one is arrested yet? - Prince. Colonel Pestel wanted to frighten us. But it seems like soon the Guard will have to speak up. We should be preparing faster. It’s just about time for changes to come. I have connections now. With personas closest to the throne. I receive the news from there one of the first. Taganrog, November 19th 1825 Alexander, servant - There’s a gossip that, when Bonaparte was being buried, it wasn’t him in the coffin, but a counterpart - not even that similar to him. - Haven’t heard of it, Your Majesty. - That’s the thing: it was done for nobody to hear of it. Shave marching style. (during shaving) Light, more light… - Your Majesty...
Saint-Petersburg Miloradovich, Nikolay, senator Mordvinov - His Majesty the Emperor… has died. We have to fulfill our supreme duty and pledge our allegiance to the new Emperor, Konstantin Pavlovich. Your Highne-... The Russian throne can’t be inherited by any will. The unpublished documents are nothing but paper. Nikolay Pavlovich, according to the law, His Majesty the Emperor of Russia now is Konstantin Pavlovich, your elder brother. - But… - If anybody else wishes to take the throne, he is an usurper. - Why are you doing this? - I’m helping you not to make mistakes. I’m with you and your land until I die. Here is my hand. (shake hands) - You forced him to do this, that is illegal! - It was the right decision. From now on, a true soldier is the Emperor of Russia, a knight, not a battalion commander who is hated not only by his subordinates, but by the General Staff as well. - The Senate will not give the oath. I promise that to you. - It’s not the Senate that decides, but the Guard. Here (tapping his chest) I have sixty thousand of the Guard’s bayonets. And you? I salute you.
Konstantin Pavlovich, to whom after Nikolay gave oath the whole Empire, was staying in Warsaw, from where he commanded the Polish armies. He refused the Russian throne, but didn’t write the abdication. From his point of view, only the Emperor could abdicate - and he hadn’t become one. The Empire turned out to have no supreme authority.
Taganrog Dibich, servants - In the papers of the late Emperor a report on the conspirators in the Second army was found. Now they can start to act. Everything is completely uncertain in the country nowadays - send the couriers of the emergency mail to me! - Yes, sir! - We cannot wait. You are going to the Southern armies to arrest the head of the revolt. - Your Excellency. - This secret paper to be delivered to Warsaw, to His Majesty Konstantin Pavlovich. Make him read it in your presence. - Yes, sir. - You are going to Saint-Petersburg to hand it over personally to Nikolay Pavlovich. - Yes, sir!
Kiev, Shcherbatov’s house. Shcherbatov, Muravyov-Apostol, Ann Belskaya, Belskaya the mother - Sometimes life presents us some unpleasant surprises. - I’ll be back soon. - Let the God forgive me. Both you and I, Sergey Ivanovich, have tasted the bitterness of the disfavour during the reign of the late Emperor. But he’s no longer here, and the new reign has begun. It brings hope to all of us. - Hope can only be born in a heart, by itself. - And what does your heart say to you? - That my fate is being decided here, by me. And right now. - Mhm. - Katerina Pavlovna. - Hello, sir. - Katerina Pavlovna, I’m asking for your daughter’s hand in marriage. - So, what did she say? - She blessed us. But with one condition: I will have to return to Saint-Petersburg. I will be with you, I promise that to you.
Ukraine, Lintsi, Pestel’s house. Yushnevskiy, Pestel - Pavel! Pavel, Pavel! You’re getting ready for the department to Tulchin? Great, I’m in time. They called you to arrest. If we don’t start the business right now, everyone is doomed. We were reported. - Who did? - Captain Maiboroda. Pavel! Pavel, what’s happening? Pavel? - This Judas... - What is happening to you? - Nothing. This pain’s been continuing for a whole week. It’s because of the contusion, it’ll be gone soon. - We will have a couple of days left, we will notify everyone, we’ll warn Muravyov, we’ll collect as many units as we can, we’ll take the headquarters, we’ll start! - I was leading you to victory, not to the massacre. We lost the moment. - Pavel, wait! There must be something to do now! - Of course, there is: I will go to Tulchin and surrender myself. If we didn’t win with honor, we have to think of how to lose with benefits. - But if you surrender, we, all of us, are dead. Who gave you the right to decide for everybody? - Why did you even come here, if I have no right to decide for everybody, huh? It’s even better this way. You’ll realise it later. We haven’t spilled a drop of their filthy blood. And even if we don’t get executed, we are the martyrs for the liberty of our Motherland. We are the first victims of the great war and by that I mean the war has begun. Congratulations. The same night Colonel Pestel burned his “Russian Truth”.
Saint-Petersburg. Senator Mordvinov, Ryleyev, Varya Ryleyeva, Natalya Ryleyeva, Nikolay, Miloradovich, servants. - A letter from Taganrog by baron Dibich, the minister of war. - This is the will of the late Emperor. Bring it to the Senate and assemble the Council. - You cannot take anything out of this room.
- Come on, drink it! - Varenka, sweetheart… - You have to drink. - But it’s so difficult! Angel… - Drink it! - Daughter, I don’t want to… - You’ll become healthy! - Kondratiy, drink it already, Varenka has to go to sleep. (whispering) Mordvinov has come. - (whispering) How? He is here?
- Everything will be disposed by His Majesty the Emperor of Russia Konstantin Pavlovich when he personally arrives from Warsaw. Papers, please. - Konstantin Pavlovich won’t come. And he is not an Emperor. - Nikolay Pavlovich...
- Tomorrow morning Nikolay Pavlovich will announce himself as the Emperor in front of the Senate. - And what about Konstantin? - What about him? - Is he alive? - Of course, he is, don’t you worry. He has abducted.
- Don’t rush to break the oath you gave. I salute you. - There’s a plot blooming in the country!
- I know that here, at your place, gather the young officers who care for the destiny of their Motherland. Is that so? - I don’t understand what you are talking about. - Come on, stop it, you do understand. You were allowed to even dream with a permission of the late Emperor.
- A plot against the basis of the country, a plot which aim is to annihilate the ruling family - my mother, my children, my wife. Would you like to order to wait?
- We must act together. We must help each other, moreover, we have the strength which doesn’t wish the ruling of the young Emperor. He needs our support, do you understand?
- But I don’t know anything about it. But we have enough strength to protect ourselves from any kind of attempts, Your Highness. - How are you going to protect us from what you don’t know about, huh? Take Dibich - he is in Taganrog and he knows about it. Yes. And you have the Guard, the police, gendarmes - and you don’t? Saint-Petersburg is full of conspirators. Or maybe you know about it too well?
- Yeah, Nikolay Semyonovich, I have never thought you have so much faith in monarchy. - I have faith in the law. - Do you? - And in it I see a foundation on which anything can be built - and it will stand! I’m pleading you to understand: the future is being decided right now. - I got it. The future is being decided right now… - Take care of yourself.
- For three weeks there hasn’t been a ruler in the country, no supreme authority. I am restoring it. I am the Emperor of Russia. Trubetskoy’s house. Trubetskoy, Ryleyev, Kakhovsky, Obolensky, Trubetskaya - Give me a second… - Gentlemen, why would you not go upstairs? - Prince, this is a matter of great emergency. Please.They made an appointment of the re-giving of the oath for tomorrow. Having no manifest of abduction! They are weaker than ever now! We can’t miss the opportunity. - Do you know to whom the oath will be re-given? - Nikolay, and Konstantin is still alive! - We have to strike now. Russia won’t have another chance in a hundred years, Prince. - You have to lead the revolution. - You’re our dictator. - Tomorrow morning I’ll go to the palace and shoot Nikolay. - If we spill the blood, nobody will win. - Seryozha! And why are you standing here? Please, come to the living room, gentlemen. - Katerina Ivanovna, good evening. If you could excuse us, we’re here just for a couple of words. - (to Trubetskaya) I’ll be back soon. Now, go. (to friends) Tomorrow, you will lead the troops to the Senate to prevent them from re-giving the oath. Go to the barracks and convince soldiers to keep to the prior oath to Konstantin. Promise them shortening of the service, raising of the salary - heavens, if you will, but make them go out - all of them. - So, are we beginning, Prince? - I will come to the square and give an order by myself. - Perfect. - No acting without me. - Of course.
Vasilkov, Kiev province Muravyov-Apostol, Gebel, Evsey - Gustav Ivanovich, come in! - Gustav Ivanovich. - Tell me, it seems like Colonel Pestel is a friend of yours. Is that so? - Yes, and why are you asking? - He’s been arrested. I would like to know if I have to expect the same. - Are you afraid to be arrested as well? - Stop it, stop, immediately. Yeah… sit down, please. Sergey Ivanovich, if you get arrested, deny everything. I will characterize you as an oath-loyal and trustworthy officer. But I’m asking you - I demand! - to stop any actions which are not included in the military regulations. Sergey Ivanovich, give me your word. December 14th. Varya Ryleyeva, Ryleyev, Natalya Ryleyeva - Wait! Do you know what you’re doing? - Dad, I’m going with you! - You’ll fall ill! - Daughter, sweetheart. Where are you going, huh? I’ll be back soon. I’ll be back. - Kondratiy, your throat. I’ll bring you a scarf. - No, it’s useless. No, dear, no. Goodbye! I’m going to the barracks of the Moskovsky regiment! The Senatskaya square Nikolay, soldiers, Mordvinov, Benckendorff - Hello, guardsmen! - Hello, Your Imperial Ma-jes-ty! - The Preobrazhensky regiment has given the oath to Your Majesty. - The Senate has given the oath, Your Majesty. Everything is alright.
The barracks of the Moskovsky regiment. Bestuzhev,Obolensky, Shchepin-Rostovskiy, Ryleyev - Lay down, Mister. - The Major General is an oathbreaker! - The Emperor Konstantin Pavlovich loves you, Moskovsky regiment, and gives you fifteen years of serving, hurray! - Align! Align! - You did it! - Align, pals, align! - Bestuzhev! - Ryleyev! - Hurry, before the Senate has given the oath. Yes! The Senatskaya square. Trubetskoy, Nikolay, Mordvinov, Major General of the Moskovsky regiment, Benckendorff, people in the square - The Moskovsky regiment is in the utter uprising. The rebels are heading to the Senate. The officers convinced the soldiers to keep to the prior oath given to Konstantin, and they call you - excuse me, Your Majesty - an usurper. - Do we have any Guard units around the Palace? - No, Your Majesty. Only the sentry of the Palace. - Your Majesty, permission to state my case. - Please, Colonel. - Order me to go the Senate. I will lead the regiments which haven’t given the oath out of the city so that Your first day of ruling wouldn’t be marked with distemper. - And why do you think they will listen to you? - They know me. And I’m going to tell them what they want to hear. - They want me to break and step back. Have the Horse Guards given the oath? - They have, Your Majesty. - Go to Orlov and tell him to start leading troops to the Senate. - Yes, sir. Horses! - And you - stay here, we could make use of you. Has any of you read my manifest? - No!
Ryleyev, Shchepin-Rostovskiy, Obolensky - Form a chain! Fall in! Stand here! Do not let anyone behind the chain! Shoot at those who want to break through! - Hurray! - What are we waiting for? Let’s take the Senate and make the senators sign the Constitution! - We act according to the plan. I’ll go and find Trubetskoy! - Hurray! - Hurray, Konstantin! Hurray, Constitution! - Go. - Hurray!
Nikolay, Miloradovich - By the Grace of God, we, Nikolay the First… - Get out of the way! - ...the Emperor and the Autocrat of Russia etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, announce to all of our loyal subjects: in destroying of our soul accepting the mysterious God’s ways… - Your Majesty, the soldiers in the square will not go back because of your reading. It’s your right not to notice them, but- - As far as I’m concerned, you are of military forces here, General-Governor. Put things into order. (in the distance) In destroying of our soul accepting the mysterious God’s ways… - Stand aside!
Trubetskoy, Ryleyev - Everything is ready. I can hardly hold them back. The victory is so close, and it’s not about the quantity, but about the will! They are waiting for you, Prince, they are waiting! - Immediately send the couriers, raise all the units which haven’t given the oath: the Guard’s Crew, the Finlandsky regiment, and bring the Life Grenadiers here, to me. If he doesn’t want to listen to us, I’ll make him.
Obolensky,Kakhovsky, Miloradovich, Bashutskiy (adjunct of Miloradovich) - Hello, guardsmen! - He’s for Nikolay. - No, no, he’s for Konstantin. - Why are you silent? Haven’t you recognized me? This sword was given to me by the Grand Duke Konstantin, “To my friend, Miloradovich”, it says. He is a friend of mine. And I would have liked to call him my Emperor as none of you would! But he has abducted. Do you hear? Abducted! From now on, our Emperor is Nikolay Pavlovich. We are the serving people, and our duty is to serve to the Emperor and to Russia! I’m asking you, I’m pleading, brothers, think again! If you go back to the barracks, I promise, I will take every one of you - you hear me? Every one! - by the hand and lead you to the Emperor. And he will forgive you! I swear I will stand up for you! - Please, move away and leave the soldiers alone. - At my command! Attention! Left turn! After me, to the barracks, forward, march! (shot) Kids of mine, don’t blacken your souls… - Mikhail Andreevich… - The blood’s been spilled… - Hurray, Konstantin! I said, Hurray, Konstantin, have you gone deaf? Vasilkov. Muravyov-Apostol, Bestuzhev-Ryumin - Ata-atrataratara! - Bestuzhev! I came to say that the affair has been started and we are going out. - No… the affair has been finished. Sergey, we are revealed. Pestel is arrested, there’s a catastrophe in Saint-Petersburg. Now we will drink a glass of champagne and shoot ourselves. - I won’t let you! Listen to me: we have very little time to rise, go around Kiev and come to the Rzhev road. We will be near the capital in a month. Nikolay concentrated all his power in Saint-Petersburg only. Now go to your officers and tell them that the affair has been started, that the Chernigovsky regiment has risen. - Yes, right. I’m ready. What should I tell the soldiers? Where? - Motovilovka. I’ll go with the Chernigovians. My brother, Artamon, will also go there, with Ahtirski hussars. - And in case it works out, it turns out to be a civil war, doesn’t it? - You know what’s worse than a civil war? Losing it. Victory is now our God. Gebel’s house. Gebel, Muravyov-Apostol, Kuzmin, Shchepillo - Stop! - Arrest Lieutenant Colonel Gebel. - Your sword. - Well, well, well, so… Alright, alright, gentlemen, alright. - Gustav Ivanovich, your sword. - Yeah, yeah, yeah… - Gustav Ivanovich, your sword. - Take away his armament. - Captain Shchepillo, get out of my way. What are you doing?! - Gentlemen… Gustav Ivanovich! Gustav Ivanovich! - What is this? A treason… - Gustav Ivanovich… - Betrayers! - Gustav Ivanovich, please! Gustav… Gustav Ivanovich, I’m pleading! Oh, come on… damn it! - Wait, your Excellency. - Out of my way! Out! - Belay! Belay, I said. - What? - Give it to me. - Belay! Belay, belay! Belay! Enough! That’s enough. Your sword back into the sheath!
Benckendorff, Orlov - Why do you not follow the order of the Emperor, General? - Well, there are no Turkish or French in the square. - You gave the oath to Nikolay. - The Horse Guards are having their dinner. - Do you want to be a traitor, Orlov? General… - A doctor, send a doctor here! - Is he alive? - Your Excellency... - A doctor!.. - What? How? - Play the assembly! The Senatskaya square. Obolensky, Orlov - You impostor! - Step short, march! - Forward, march! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray! - Hurray, Nikolay! - Hurray! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray, Nikolay! - Hurray!
Shchepin-Rostovskiy, Arbuzov, Ryleyev - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Brothers, hurray! (to Arbuzov) Nikolay is here. Align for an attack. (to Ryleyev) What are we waiting for? Nikolay’s over there. If we take him, everything will be over. - No, my friend. We are too few yet. We’re waiting for Trubetskoy, he will take lead of the Life Grenadiers. - Hurray, the Guard’s Crew! - Hurray! - We’re standing, brothers! Victory is with us, truth is with us, the God is with us! Hurray! - Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
Benckendorff, Nikolay, adjunct - Your Majesty, the sailors are aligning to attack. - Your Majesty, maybe it’s better for you to leave? - Tell Orlov to attack. Scatter, scatter the rebels. And bring the artillery here. - Yes, sir!
Obolensky, Bestuzhev, Arbuzov, the officer,Orlov - Hurray, Constitution! - Hurray! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray! - Swords out! - Fall in! On guard! - On guard! - Charge, march! - At will… - At will! - For the shots... - For the shots! Load! - Ready! Aim! - Aim! - Aim at the horses. - Take aim at horses! Fire! - Fire! - Retreat! Retreat! - Left turn! Aim! - Belay! - Belay! - Belay! - Hurray, brothers! Victory! - Hurray! - The victory will be ours! - You got what you wanted?
Tulchin. Amfelt, Shcherbatov - Your Excellency. - How can I help you, Colonel? - I would like to know why this traitor Muravyov hasn’t been stopped yet. And after the sad events in the capital some people of sensitive characters will find almost heroes in them. And they have stabbed Lieutenant-Colonel Gebel fourteen times, fourteen. They turn out to be not heroes, but criminals and murderers. - As we already know, the blood of our allies in the new reign costs a lot. - Please, extinguish the wildfire before it ignites everything around you. Prince, it will burn you as well.
Motovilovka, Kiev province. Muravyov-Apostol, Baranov, officer - The soldiers to be billeting, we’ll spend the night here. - Come on, brothers, step out! Come on, come on! - Close up! - Grenadiers! Grenadiers, you mother-, halt! Halt, I said! Grenadiers! Baranov! Halt! - Why not drink a bit, brothers?
Saint-Petersburg. Trubetskoy, Mordvinov - (to Panov) Lead them faster, I’ll join you. - Colonel… Are you going to rise against your Emperor? - The Guard is against the Tsar. Even units loyal to him will come to our side after the night will have fallen. Convince him to transfer power into your hands and the Senate and we’ll change everything. That’s what we’re dreaming of. - Believe me, I know what I’m saying. He would rather die than leave. What will you do then, huh? Kill him? His family? The kids? There, people are dying. There Russians get shot by Russians. The next step is war - a senseless war in our own homeland. - There won’t be any war, Nikolay Semyonovich. We’ve won. - Prince, you have a choice. You either lead the soldiers away from the square or drown everything in blood. You decide, Prince. - Tell him I am still ready to talk with him. But within an hour he will be useless. Even for you, Count.
Nikolay, Panov, Adlerberg - Gentlemen… the Life Grenadiers. God is with us. - Your Majesty, we do not know by whose side they are. This may be dangerous. Nikolay Pavlovich… Follow the Emperor! - Halt! Halt, Life Grenadiers! - We are for Konstantin. - Hurray! - In that case, this is your road. - For Constitution! - Hurray! - Isn’t this ammunition for us? - Go with us, pals! For Konstantin!
Kakhovsky, Ryleyev, Panov - Hurray, Konstantin! - Align here! - Hurray, hurray, hurray! - I have just met His Highness. - Why did you not kill him? - And where is Trubetskoy? Alright, alright, align your boys… - Fall in! Kiev province. Muravyov, Muravyov-Apostol - And where’s your regiment, Artamon? - My regiment stands on the road to Trilesi. - Perfect. It would take an hour to join us if you go trotting. - They assigned an artillery battery to us. The order is to kill you with no talking. - And? Are you going to follow the order? - Go away. Through Belaya Tserkov (the White Church). It’s empty. - You know why you came here? Because you feel ashamed that you aren’t with me. - You can think what you want, but I came here to help you. Kuzmin, Baranov, Muravyov-Apostol, officers - What is happening in here? Belay right now! Grenadiers, after me! Belay, I said! - Mister Lieutenant Colonel, the soldiers are said to have set the fire. - Sergey Alexeevich, there, um… the tavern’s on fire. - What do you think you’re doing? Fall in! Align! Fall in! - Belay, I said! - Move away, let me through. Let me through. What is happening? Belay! - And by what right are you wearing the uniform of an officer? Take off the uniform, Grenadier Baranov. - Major Baranov. I was a Major and I still am. And what about you? - Do you dare to object me? - God forbid me, Sergey Ivanovich. I’ve been dreaming about this for eight years. Eight years. Not like you, not about the Constitution and the reforms, but about my rank and taking revenge - not a lot. And I thank you for this. If I could think more, I’m with you. - Tomorrow every one of us will be either dead or victorious. Calm down the soldiers. We’re setting off in the morning. - Pay attention! Belskaya, Muravyov-Apostol - Ann? - Shcherbatov passed you this travel voucher and said it was the only thing he could do for you. - You shouldn’t have. - I shouldn’t have. - If only you could arrive at least tomorrow. - Tomorrow… - Yes, tomorrow we’ll win. - We who? - The Union of Salvation, that’s what we call ourselves. And that’s why we need victory so much, for every decent person to know and see, that he is not alone, that there’s a lot of us, that we are strong. Otherwise we will continue living in this nightmarish fairytale and wait for whom the Cyclops will come next time. - Seryozha, I’ve been to Gebel’s house. - Everything will change tomorrow. - Everybody loves you. When I was on my way here, I have been allowed to go anywhere, because I am your fiancee. They even bowed to me. I was on my way to you, and you’re not here.
Obolensky, Arbuzov, officer - Gentlemen, the artillery. - A battalion of Preobrazhensky regiment has arrived to your disposal! - It seems like there will be no more bushy epaulets. Gentlemen, let’s face the truth: we are surrounded. Let’s choose a dictator among us and start the negotiations. - What negotiations, we have just been shooting at them. Go to your soldiers, we’re waiting for the night to fall. Go. Ryleyev, Trubetskoy - I demand - no, I plead! - Prince, let’s go. They are waiting for your word and for your deed. Let’s go, god damn it! - You want my word? Here it is: I thank you. You did the impossible: there are the best Guard regiments in the square and crowds of bystanders. - Why do you need all these preludes, Prince? - Please, listen. They are the shield, behind which the future of Russia is being born. Stand, soon the darkness will fall. This stubborn ruler thinks he has surrounded you, but in truth he has just caught himself. Eventually he will understand what others understood a long time before. He will be forced to leave and negotiate. - Nikolay is closer to our formation than a shot. One strike - and there will be nobody to negotiate with. Come on, let’s go! Let’s go! - Mister Writer, go back home and treat your flu. I have no time for you. - I can see now you’re a coward. - You’re insane, Kondratiy Feodorovich. But still - thank you. - I may be insane, but you’re too clever and prudent, Prince. It’s the insane who change the world! Napoleon was insane, Brutus was insane, Christ was insane! Go to the square and rave for once in a lifetime! - Go home! You are obstructing. - Damn you. - Careful, sir.
Benckendorff, Nikolay, Mordvinov, Kakhovsky - Your Majesty, the rebels are surrounded. Would you like to order to shoot? - Emperor, is it what you were wishing for? Did you want to start your reign with this? - They could forgive my brutality, but not my weakness. - Mercy is not weakness. It’s a right of the strong. - Tell them to leave. What’s more, I don’t want to know their names. - Soldiers, the Emperor hopes that you would bring yourselves to reason. The Emperor doesn’t want to know your names. - Did you bring us the Constitution? - (to rebels) I didn’t come to negotiate. I offered you mercy. (to Nikolay) Your Majesty, allow me to give the order. Let it be me who is guilty of this blood. - All of the blood will always be on my hands. Bestuzhev, Arbuzov, Bakunin, Mordvinov, Obolensky, Nikolay, Benckendorff - Stand! We are the Guard! The God, the law and the truth are with us! - We stand! - They won’t dare to shoot! - They won’t dare to shoot at us! - And this is victory! - Fire! Fire! Follow the order! Ready… Fire! - Oh God… - Halt! Halt! - After me! - Halt! Halt! Stop, stop your soldiers! We’ll take the Senate. Halt! Halt! Stop, soldier! - After me, men! Bring the flag over here! Halt, halt! Play the assembly, play it! (to Arbuzov) We’re going to Petropavlovskaya fortress, we’ll take the armories and the arsenal! - Flag here! - They are aligning on the ice to take the fortress. - Shoot, but not at the people. Break the ice. - Yes, sir. Forward. - Remove the cannons to the square! - Belay! Brothers! We’re heading to the fortress, we’ll take the armories and the arsenal! - Hurray, Konstantin! - Hurray! - Hurray, Constitution! Keep the formation! - Keep the formation! - After me!
Ryleyev, Natalya Ryleyeva - Kondratiy! Kondratiy… - Hush, hush, hush, hush, hush…
Bestuzhev, screaming people - Don’t panic! Mordvinov, Ryleyev - How can I help you? - I would like to have quite a delicate talk with you. Tell me: why did you do this? Why? I offered you to reach our goal peacefully. - I won, Nikolay Semyonovich. - Did you? - I changed Russia forever. But you cannot take liberty with no casual