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Test Task

Test Task

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
  1. Sports at school.
  2. The most difficult day.
  3. School clothes.
  4. The place to eat.
  5. Easy to understand.
  6. Lots of fun.

A. School has always been the place where students like to spend their time. Even if sometimes some subjects seem very difficult, the other ones can really attract your interest. Besides, there are a lot of friends at school with whom you can chat, play different games and watch some videos during the breaks.

B. School days look different for some students. If you enjoy singing and drawing, the day when you have Music and Art in your timetable is the best one. But if there are a lot of subjects during the day and some of them are rather stressful for you, this day can be no fun.

C. In some schools to wear school uniform is compulsory. It can be different colours: grey, blue, black and even green. Boys usually wear jackets, shirts and trousers and girls wear blouses and skirts. But in some schools the rules are not so strict and students are allowed to wear what they want.

D. Physical activity helps us stay healthy. There are different sports facilities that schools can offer for students. At the stadium you can play football or do athletics, play basketball on the basketball court, play hockey or skate on the skating rink and do some gymnastics in the gym.

E. Doing sports needs a lot of energy. So it’s not surprisingly that after some time you feel hungry. A school canteen can give you good food. There you will find different salads, meat and some pasta. But don’t eat many sweet things; they are rather bad for your body.

Text A B C D E


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