Heard of Histology and embryology
Professor Shapovalova Ye.Yu.
“ 31 ” ______08_________ 2020
| 01.09-04.09
| Sense organs. Organ of hearing and equilibrium. Organ of olfaction.
| 07.09-11.09
| Skin and its derivatives.
| 14.09-18.09
| Cardiovascular system. Arteries and veins. Microcirculatory bed. Lymph vessels. Heart.
| 21.09-25.09
| Оrgans of hemopoiesis and immune response. Central and heripheral organs.
| 28.09-02.10
| Endocrine system. Central organs. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system. Pituitary gland. Pineal glands.
| 05.10-09.10
| Endocrine system. Peripheral organs. Thyroid. Parathyroid. Adrenal gland.
| 12.10-16.10
| Control of knowledge of regulatory and sensory systems histology and embryology.
| 19.10-23.10
| Digestive system. General plan of structure and histogenesis of digestive tract. Tongue. Tonsil. Salivary glands.
| 26.10-30.10
| Digestive system. Tooth. Enamel, dentin, cementum. Pulp, periodontium. Development of teeth.
| 02.11-06.11
| Digestive system. Pharynx. Esophagus. Stomach. Small intestine. Large intestine. Appendix.
| 09.11-13.11
| Digestive system. Liver. Pancreas.
| 16.11-20.11
| Control of knowledge of special histology and embryology of digestive system.
| 23.11-27.11
| Respiratory system.
| 30.11-04.12
| Urinary system.
| 07.12-11. 12
| Male reproductive system.
| 14.12-18.12
| Female reproductive system.
| 21.12-25. 12
| Control of knowledge of special histology and embryology of internal organs.