Registration form (private individuals) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Registration form (private individuals) for participation in the IV International Festival «Vita lace» in Vologda from 25 to 28 June, 2020.
Your registration confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address within a week after you submit your registration application.
The members of the Festival Committee may contact you within March and April for specifying the information. Contact us by phones: the international access code (individual for your country) +7 (8172) 72-16-56; 21-24-40; 72-44-97.
Please, send your filled registration forms to lacefestival@mail.ru or by fax: the international access code (individual for your country) +7 (8172) 72-16-56, or by post to: 15, S.Orlov Street, Vologda, Russia, 160000 for The Vologda State Museum-Preserve of History, Architecture and Decorative Arts (the note “Participation in the Lace Festival-2020”is obligatory).
Registration advantages: ü You get the opportunity to visit all the exhibitions and expositions of The Vologda State Museum-Preserve and get excursions for free; ü You have the opportunity to choose the accommodation variant which is the most suitable for you; ü You will get the Festival Participant Package (badges and informational booklets).
We accept registration forms till June 01, 2020.