Secondary School 4. Project work 4Secondary School 4 Project work 4 «The most important thing in my life». Student : Fedotova Alina Class 9«A»
Undoubtedly, all people have different views on life and on things. For some, the main thing in life is a career, someone's popularity, someone's feat. But in my opinion, all beginnings depend on your environment. The most important thing in my life is family and friends. I think many people feel the same way. Family is the people who know you best and know how to make you happy. These are the people who will always support me and will not leave me in a difficult moment, because they are the closest people. Despite this, I also love my friends very much. Most of my friends are childhood friends and we have experienced a lot with them. They know me very well, too. I am happy and comfortable with them. I can tell my friends everything and not be afraid that someone else will find out. Only in the company of friends and family I can be myself. Maybe some of my friends will leave me at some point, but I don't think about it. I believe that all your deeds, victories and achievements depend on your environment. If you have those people who will always support you and give you the right advice, you will succeed. I love my family and friends very much.