Words and word combinations which may come helpful in the analysis of the text
1. The text (extract) under analysis is called “XXX”. It is written by a well-known English/American writer …. Speak of the author in brief (his biography, the literary trend he belongs to; his main literary works). 2. Title: What is the story’s title? Does the story’s title suggest its theme? Try to explain the title of the text. 3. The idea of the text. What is the story about? Give its subject in one word or in a short phrase, e.g. family relations, friendship, snobbery. 4. Theme: This is the message of the author. A theme usually expresses some insight into the human experience. It may deal with values, ideas, beliefs, or life in general. State the problem raised by the author in one or two sentences (differences between feminine and masculine reactions to reality and their consequences which bring to a lack of intimacy and understanding between a married couple). 5. Setting: Where and when does the story take place? Does the setting matter to the story or could it have taken place equally well in some other place and at some other time? 6. Logical division of the extract. (Logically the text falls into ... parts). The title and the main thing of each part. 7. Composition of the text. - What does the text present? (narration, description, character drawing, an account of events, dialogue). Who tells the story? Is it told by one of the characters, by a narrator outside the story, or by whom? If the story is told by one of the characters, does it help to make it more effective? The participation of the author in the events. - Types of narration: the 3rd person narration / the 1st person narration / an I-story. - The characters can be represented (portrayed) by different forms of direct speech (inner and outer) and indirectly (through the dialogues or descriptions). Monologues also render the thoughts and feelings of a character. 8. Mood. In what key is the text written? Does it change from part to part? If so what is the prevailing, dominant mood? Is it lyrical, dramatic, tragic, optimistic/pessimistic, sentimental, emotional/unemotional, pathetic, dry and matter-of-fact, gloomy, bitter, sarcastic, cheerful, humorous, ironic, sarcastic, mocking, indignant, etc? How can you prove it? 9. Characters - main and minor. Who are they? What are they like: in appearance, in habbits of speech and behaviour. The speech of a person is very important. It reveals his individual experience, his culture and psychology, social position, profession and so on. What methods does the author use to describe the characters – direct or indirect? How do their actions, thoughts, feelings and behaviour characterize them? What is the relationship between the characters and how is this relationship pointed out? What contrasts and parallels are there in the behaviour of the characters? 10. Imagery – word pictures or visual details involving the sentences (sight, sound, smell, taste). What images does the author use? What sense do they draw on? 11. Symbolism–concrete things standing for larger and more abstract ideas (e.g. the American flag or open window may symbolize freedom; dove may symbolize peace and happiness). What symbols does the author use? Why? 12. Language – is it simple or elaborate, plain or metaphorical? Stylistic devices and their role in the description of the characters. What is the author's aim to use them? E.g. The author sympathizes with the main character. We feel it because he uses such epithets as…
Remember! ALWAYS support your views and opinions with evidence from the text.
Words and word combinations which may come helpful in the analysis of the text · the text under consideration is a fragment from… · the text I am going to comment on is a story by… · the action takes place in… · the story is told in the first/third person · this is a first/third person narration · this part of the text is written in the form of a description blended with dialogue · on the one hand the author's purpose is to entertain the reader, on the other hand he raises a very important problem · a vivid description of smth - яркое описание чего-либо · the author keeps us in suspence - автор держит нас в напряжении · the author is not the participant of the events but he shows his attitude towards them · the author resorts to the direct method of description · the author names all their personal features (traits of character) explicitly · the author names all their personal features (traits of character) implicitly - we can judge about their traits of character from bits of conversation, their actions · the character is the mouth-piece of the author - выразитель мнения, интересов автора; · the author is sympathized with the main character. We feel it because he uses such epithets of positive colouring as ... · the text is rich in the choice of litereary, bookish words, terms, foreign words and barbarisms, colloquialisms, slang words, vulgarisms, etc. · the vocabulary is elaborate - тщательно продуман, подобран · the text abounds in epithets and metaphors · the use of colloquial expressions and idioms serves to make the dialogue natural · to make smth. more vivid and concrete the author resorts to a simile (metaphor, metonymy) · ... are apt examples to prove the above stated idea - подходящие примеры · the personages are splendidly characterized through their speech: lexical peculiarities are represented by the vocabulary the characters use (Mr X’s speech is that of an uneducated man: it abounds in colloquialisms and vulgarisms; his grammar is incorrect; pronunciation is also typical of an uneducated person. · it enables the reader to understand smth better · the use of high-flown words (высоких, напыщенных). The mood (the key) may be: ü epic – typical of the description of events that have been completed in the past and are viewed by the narrator in retrospect. Hence the quiet, unhurried key of narration with the consecutive order of sentences. This key is impersonal, businesslike, dry, matter-of-fact. ü dramatic, emotional or elevated mood is created through the expression of agitation (exclamatory sentences, emotive words, many stylistic devices). ü lyrical – the text contains the expression of the author's feelings, his emotive attitude to life, his thoughts. The language is elevated, there are many poetic words and stylistic devices. ü humorous – reflects the comical aspect of life, points out some contradictions, discrepancy between form and contents. ü ironical – unlike humorous indicates mockery of smth or smb. One thing is said and the opposite is implied. E.g. What a beautiful day! (when it is raining).