Уважаемые родители, Молодёжная программа от Иммиграционной Службы КУИС организовывает праздничний вечер для новоприбывшей молодёжи. Стоимость билета $20 который включает ужин и развлечения. Имя и фамилия участника(цы):_______________________________________________ Я ,___________________________ разрешаю своему ребенку,______________________ принять участие в праздничном вечере в пятницу 19-го декабря 2014 года. Я понимаю возможность несчастного случая или материального ущерба, и этим документом я освобождаю КУИС, их работников и спонсоров от любой материальной или юридической ответственности. Подпись родителей:________________________________________ Дата:_____________________________ Необходимо зарегистрироваться до 15-го декабря 2014 года.
I understand that both the various publications and websites have a large audience and my photo will be available to the general public. I further understand that CUIAS Immigrant Services assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever concerning any consequences of such use. I am aware that CUIAS Immigrant Services will not include details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any person in an image or video recording on their website, video, or in printed publications. We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on video, on our website or in printed publications.
for CUIAS Immigrant Services to publish photos in the various forms of print publications, video recordings, for various
SIGNED________________________________ DATED ______/_______/_______
Dear Parent/Guardian: The Youth Program at the CUIAS Immigrant Services is organizing a Winter Social for newcomer youth, which will take place Friday, December 19th, 2014 from 6pm to 11pmat UNF Trident Banquet Hall, located at 145 Evans Ave., in Toronto. This event costs $20 and includes dinner, dancing and entertainment. Please take note that NO ALCOHOL will be provided and is NOT permitted at any point during the event. Participant’s name: _______________________________ Date of Birth (d/m/y):_____________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s): __________________________________ Phone#:________________________ Name of Emergency Contact: ________________________________ Phone#:________________________ I, _________________________________, the parent/guardian of ______________________________ give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Winter Social Fri. Dec. 19th, 2014. I assume any and all risk of injury to his/her person or property and hereby release CUIAS Immigrant Services, its employees and funders, from any and all claims or liabilities resulting from my son’s or daughter’s participation. Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________________ Date: _________________________
PUBLICATION/WEBSITE PICTURE PERMISSION FORM I understand that both various publications and websites have a large audience and my photo will be available to the general public. I further understand that CUIAS Immigrant Services assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever concerning any consequences of such use. I am aware that CUIAS Immigrant Services will not include details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any person in an image or video recording on their website, video, or in printed publications. We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on video, on our website or in printed publications.
SIGNED________________________________ DATED ______/_______/_______