Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4. Listening Practice 1Listening Practice 3 Welcome to Gyeongbok Palace, one of the most popular sites for tourists here in Seoul, South Korea. I will start our tour by giving you a brief history of the palace. The palace was originally built in 1394, and it served as the primary residence and workplace for many different Korean kings and queens over the years. There were living quarters, gardens, banquet halls, and offices. In fact, there were over 390 buildings at one point. Unfortunately, the palace has been destroyed twice since it was first built. Thanks to some hard work, however, it is being restored. At present, there are around 128 buildings. And while it has not been completely restored, Gyeongbok Palace serves as a cultural site and museum where visitors like you can come and learn about Korean history. I hope you enjoy your tour!
Listening Practice 4 Robert: Hey, Lucy! I heard you went to Buckingham Palace in London last summer. Is that true? Lucy: Hey, Robert. Yeah, I went there with my family. It was a great trip! Robert: Did you see the Queen? Lucy: Nah. She does live there though. The palace is still the official residence of the British Monarch. Robert: Cool. I will have to visit. It would be pretty awesome to say that I visited the house of England’s queen. Lucy: If you go, make sure you visit in August or September. Those are the only two months visitors can go inside the palace. Robert: Really? Why is that? Lucy: That’s when the Queen takes her annual vacation to Scotland. Robert: Oh, OK. I’ll keep that in mind.
Unit 7 Listening Practice 1 Annie: Hello? Travel Agent: Good afternoon, Annie Marsh. I am calling because you won a contest you entered last month with my company, World Tours in Tall Places. You are going to visit all the tallest buildings located in Asia. Annie: Really? I won the Asian Skycity Tour? Travel Agent: Yep! You certainly did! You are going to Taipei to visit the Taipei 101, to Hong Kong to visit the IFC, to Shanghai to visit the World Finance Center, and finally to Kuala Lumpur to visit the Petronas Towers. Annie: I can’t believe it! I never win any contests! Just wondering, how tall are those buildings? Travel Agent: Oh. Hmm. I have that written down somewhere. Hold on. OK. Here it is. The Taipei 101 is 509 meters tall, the World Finance Center is 490 meters tall, the Petronas Towers are 450 meters tall, and the IFC is 415 meters tall. Annie: Wow! How exciting! I have never seen any buildings that tall in my life. Oh, so since I won the contest, I don’t have to pay anything for this trip? Travel Agent: Well, all your airfare, ground transportation, and hotel expenses are covered, but your personal expenses are not. Annie: That is OK! I can’t wait!