Literature ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Literature 1. McDowall D. The importance of not being English / McDowall D. Britain in close-up (an in-depth study of contemporary Britain). – Pearson education limited, 1999. – P. 122–136. 2. Satinova V.F. The English Character. English Characteristics. The Scottish People as They Are. The Welsh People as They Are. Ireland: Reformation and Plantation. Northern Ireland / Satinova V.F. Read and speak about Britain and the British, 1997. – Pp. 140–142, 142–143, 172–174, 184–187, 199–202. 3. Нестерова Н.М. Ways of life / Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение. Англия, 2001. – С. 224–233. 4. Websites: Scotland www.snp.org.uk (Scottish National Party) www.britishcouncil.org/ru/china-aboutuk-scotland-food-and-english-food.htm Wales www.visitwales.co.uk www.netwales.co.uk http://www.ru.com/directory/sports/rugby-union?nc&r Ireland www.visitnorthernireland.uk