The reflection of Russian philosophy in the works of local writers ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Сухов Владимир,10 класс, ГБОУ СОШ №1208 г. Москвы Особенности русской философии на примере произведений отечественных писателей Научный руководитель: Кондракова Нина Никитична The reflection of Russian philosophy in the works of local writers The project work analyses Russian philosophy, expressed in the literature. There were strong classical philosophy schools in Europe, in Asia and in America. But many people think that there were not in Russia. Why? Cause Russian people have peculiar kind of mentality, different from other nations. The topicality of the project work comes from my desire to prove, that in Russia were very deep philosophical ideas, most pronounced in the works of Russian writers such as Leo Tolstoy, Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Herzen... Despite of the fact that we did not have such schools of Philosophy, as in the west. The innovation of the approach is based on analyzing works of Russian writers and their philosophical senses. The aim of the research work to show, that the philosophical school in Russia was represented by famous writers, who expressed their ideas through their works. So, the main objectives of the research work stated to achieve the aim are: · To tell about Russian literature; · To identify the philosophical meaning in some very important works; · To compare with the literature and philosophy of Europe. Having carried out the research, I have found out that Russian philosophy has a specific nature and there were not such strong schools of philosophy, as in Europe, because writers expressed their ideas and thoughts of the Russian people through their works.