УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 1.1Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1) The boy had a knife 2) The child came into the room. 3) The man looked on the shelf. 4) The lady gave the girl the key. 5) The cat caught the mouse. 6) The leaf fell from the tree. 7) The man and woman went to the cinema. 8) The child saw a sheep in the field. 9) The gentleman filled the glass. 10) The ox pulled the cart. 11) The donkey ran down the street. 12) A bird sang on the branch of a tree.
1.2Поставьте следующие предложения в единственном числе.
1) The cats caught the mice. 2) The boys had knives. 3) The leaves fell from the trees. 4) The children rode on the donkeys. 5) The boys had watches. 6) The policemen found the chief. 7) We saw geese and foxes. 8) The oxen ate the grass. 9) Wolves killed the sheep. 10) The thieves stole watches and boxes of jewels.
1.3Запишите притяжательный падеж следующих существительных.
1) the hat of the man 2) the leg of the boy 3) the home of the girl 4) the stick of John 5) the wing of the bird 6) the voice of the child 7) the homes of the boys 8) the legs of the horses 9) the voices of the pupils 10) the shouts of the men 11) the songs of the women 12) the barks of the dogs.
1.4 Раскройте скобки, поставив существительные в притяжательном падеже
1) The man went to the (chemist) shop. 2) The name of Mrs. (Smith) dog was Mickey. 3) Have you seen (Henry) new bicycle? 4) We heard the (men) shouts in the distance. 5) My (sister) friend is coming to tea. 6) Let us join in the (children) games. 7) That is a (woman) bicycle. 8) That building is the (women) Institute. 9) Ellen is a (lady) servant. 10) Mary sings in the (ladies) choir.