Тест Герундий или причастие ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Тест Герундий или причастие Начало формы Выберите правильный вариант
Задание 1. Hearing a loud noise, we were shocked to move. · gerund · participle Задание 2. The driver was seriously injured during the accident and is now fighting for his life. · gerund · participle Задание 3. She ruined her sight by playing computer games. · gerund · participle Задание 4. They saw a boy in the park standing on his head. · gerund · participle Задание 5. Speaking is a whole lot easier than doing. · gerund · participle Задание 6. Screaming the names of participants, the audience cheered the runners. · gerund · participle Задание 7. Smoking in public places is forbidden. · gerund · participle Задание 8. Jumping over the fence, the burglars managed to escape from the prison. · gerund · participle Задание 9. Nobody was surprised at John being absent. · participle · gerund Задание 10. They wasted their money on buying useless things. · gerund · participle Задание 11. Swimming is popular form of keeping one’s body fit. · gerund · participle Задание 12. Michael was angry at Jill for trying to fool him. · gerund · participle Задание 13. The boy entered the room smiling. · gerund · participle Задание 14. Aren’t you afraid of telling the truth? · gerund · participle Задание 15. Singing to herself in a shower is something that makes her life wonderful. · gerund · participle