NAME FORM 10Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ NAME FORM 10 Emphatic constructions/Эмфатические конструкции 1.Rephrase the sentences using constructions It is/was … that; It is/was … who according to the model. Model : My sister is watching TV now.- It is my sister who is watching TV now. 1. Melanie is planting flowers in the garden. 2. Sheila is listening to the morning news. 3. Books make us clever. 4. Peter told me about wild animals. 5. Leonardo Di Caprio acted in ‘Titanic’ 2. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Именно в парке мы впервые встретились. 2. Не кто иной как Джек, ограбил этот банк. 3. Именно Лиза выполнила контрольную работу без ошибок. 4. Именно ты не можешь прийти на работу вовремя. 5. Именно Рита посещает танцевальный кружок, а не Лена. 3. Make up sentences from these words. 1. who/ James/ it/ phoned/ was/ yesterday/ you. 2. the/ in/ we/ cinema/ is/ they/ it/ the/ that/ met. 3. listening/ Simon/ is/ who/ the/ at/ to/ it/ is/ moment/ music. 4. our/ makes/ is/ who/ daughter/ it/ proud/ us. 5. it/ barking/ woke/ the/ was/ dog’s/ that/ up/ me. Passive Voice/ Пассивный Залог Task1. Translate into Russian. 1. Breakfast was cooked by our mother. 2. This sports game is often played at P.E. lessons. 3. I was born in Moscow. 4. They will be trained by a famous coach. 5. I will be sent to the competition. Task 2. Choose the right answer. 1. The news programme (is watched / watched) by millions of people every day. 2. The Mona Liza (painted / was painted) by Leonardo da Vinchi. 3. The new cinema (be built / will be built) next year. 4. New pop groups (are much spoken / is much spoken) about among teenagers. 5. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem (was written / written) when he was fourteen. 6. The letters (be sent / will be sent) by post tomorrow. 7. The translation (was finished / were finished) two hours ago. 8. London (visited / is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year. 9. The dinner (be / will be) ready in an hour (через час). 10. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy. 11. The house (bought/was bought) by pop star. 12. Local police (have been arrested/have arrested) the bank robber. 13. I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday. 14. The room (will clean/will be cleaned) later. 15. Tom (has lost/has been lost) his key.