Задания для подготовки к ВПР по АЯ.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Задания для подготовки к ВПР по АЯ. Выполнить добросовестно, не только записать ответы в таблицы, но и уметь доказать на уроке, попрошу перевести предложения. Подготовить идеальное чтение текста - на уроке будем читать на оценку. Подготовить описание фото. На уроке заслушаем ваши ответы, описание записать на листе, проверю. Успехов! Задание 1 Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Chinese food is famous all over the world. Chinese cuisine has countless delicious and fantastic dishes. Ingredients of Chinese food are various and sometimes shocking to foreigners. Chinese cuisine varies even across China. There are many regional cuisines with different flavours: spicy, sweet, sour. China has its own unique dining culture and etiquette, which foreign visitors may find quite different from what they are used to. Chinese use chopsticks to pick up food, not knives and forks. There are usually not salt or pepper shakers, or tomato sauce on the table, but you may find bottles of soy sauce, vinegar, and chilli paste on the table. Some Chinese restaurant can be quite noisy and smoky where people don't control their talking volume or smoking. Tips are not expected in Chinese restaurant, as the service fee is included in the food price.
Задание 2 Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
This text deals with … 1. Soapy Plates 2. Enjoyable Ads 3. Where is the Fog? 4. Main Tourist Attraction 5. Traditional Measures 6. Who Should Do It?
A. An Italian boy, who is in Britain for the first time, talked about the weather, “I can’t understand it. I’ve been here for over a week and I still haven’t seen any fog!” B. A Japanese student from Tokyo said, “I’ve been in Britain since April and have been living with a British family. I’ve noticed one big difference between British and Japanese families. British men do jobs like cooking, washing up and ironing. They’re jobs which I’ve never seen Japanese men do. They think it’s women’s work. But I don’t agree with it!” C. A German student at a language school in Oxford said, “I thought Britain was a modern European country — you’ve been in the EEC for years now. So why do you still use miles,Or pints and pounds instead of kilometres, litres and kilos? And why do you still drive on the wrong side of the road?” D. A Danish girl who works as an au pair in Liverpool said, “I came to Britain a month ago. I’ve noticed one very strange thing here. After British people have washed the dishes, they never rinse them. They just take them out of the dirty, soapy water and leave them to dry!” E. A Swedish girl said, “I’ve watched a lot of television since I arrived two weeks ago. British television’s brilliant! But the “programmes” which I’ve enjoyed most are the advertisements. They’re very funny or very clever, or both. Back home in Sweden we don’t have any TV advertisements at all!”
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