Top 10 villains. Across
00:00-1.29 min. Do the following crossword and complete the gaps in the text with the words from it: Top 10 villains Complete the crossword puzzle below: Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner.net Down 1. having qualities that bring about a favorable regard: pleasant, agreeable 2. a particular life, in religions that believe that we have many lives 4. proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, with harmful effect 5. enemies that are shadows of the power they’d get if the Ruling Ring was on their master's hand (2 words) Across 3. oppressive power exerted by government 6. a sentence or phrase that is intended to be difficult to say, especially when repeated quickly (2 words) 7. a symbol that foreshadows a (usually bad) future event 8. to encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way 9. to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant 10. a feeling that you want to avoid something because it is extremely unpleasant ⮿ What makes a good villain? Is it their evil or their humanity? Their … or their …? Let's take a tour of some of cinema's favorite bad guys and try to find out. These are our picks for the top ten movie villains of all time. We're starting off at number ten with the Pure Evil. It's the bad guy who does bad because it's bad, and since bad is good, good is bad, so he's got to be good, right? Sure, this might sound like a top candidate for the best villain and a fantastic … to boot, but it's also the flattest of characterizations. It may have terrified us as kids when boogeymen and black and white morality hid under our beds. And in that sense these villains will always hold a nostalgic sort of … over us. But we've long since stopped fearing in such simple terms. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't some worthwhile villains who are notable mostly for the pureness of their evil. There's Emperor Palpatine, Damien from “The …”, along with just about any other … of the devil you see in a movie. However, for our favorite pure evil, we tend to like Sauron. -I see you. -Sure, it's hard to compete with an all-seeing fiery eye in the sky, but there's also something special about the … of his power. It doesn't … in a handshake or a single exchange for a soul, but slowly, over decades and centuries, … its victims with a promise of more. It got Sméagol, and Saruman, Boromir, and the …, and it gets us, because he's our number ten best villain. So what works better than pure evil?
01:30-4.03 min. Identify whether the statements are true or false: 1. Villains are dangerous and unpredictable, and they could kill anyone at any time because they hate the world. 2. We are terrified not only of horror monsters but of some other evil characters, too. 3. Li'l Zé murdered all the hotel guests because he hated them for being rich and thought that they deserved to be killed. 4. Li'l Zé became even more terrifying in his twenties than he was at 12. 5. Cinema-goers consider heroes to be too perfect to identify with them. 6. Villains in movies do not seem very threatening as heroes overcome them easily. 7. While Max Cady was in prison, he decided to give up a life of crime. 8. One of the ideas of Cape Fear is getting revenge. 04:04-6.02 min. Answer the following questions: 1. Where did we learn about the foil? 2. Why is Voldemort a great villain? 3. Why should you keep your voice down when speaking about Voldemort even though you aren’t afraid of him? 4. What is Voldemort’s evil magic closely tied to? 5. How can the contrast between the Joker and Batman be described? 6. How do you typically react to bad guys that you just loathe? 7. What do we hate about the Nurse Ratched? 8. What characteristics does Reverend Harry Powell combine? 9. Why does Reverend Harry Powell earn a spot on this list? 06:03-8.12 min. Choose the correct alternative: 1. We want to consider villains that we … A. like for the things they do. B. like despite the things they do. C. really hate. 2. It takes a certain kind of depth and charisma to earn our… A. admiration. B. condescending attitude. C. sympathy. 3. Is there a better, more lovable bad guy than …? A. Harry Lime B. Hans Landa C. Dr. Hannibal Lecter 4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter is charming, he's intelligent, he's cultured, he…, he's insightful, he's the full package. A. drinks people’s blood B. eats people's body parts C. helps people 5. It's this point in our list where we get our first hint that there's something …about good villains. A. complex and challenging B. boring and depressing C. pleasant and admirable 6. What does it say about us that these are Nazis, murderers, corrupt cops and cannibals that we find ourselves oddly…? A. similar to B. interested in C. attracted to 7. We find that one-dimensional badness sometimes reveals itself to be something a little more …than we expected. A. complex B. human C. challenging 8. We never really … these villains, and we sure don't want them to win. A. identify ourselves with B. respect C. root for 9. We're hoping for less of a … and more like some serious therapy. A. public execution B. suspicion C. condemnation 10. There're loads of …villains but our favorite of all time is Hans Beckert from M. A. admirable, noble B. worthwhile, three-dimensional C. boring, one-dimensional 11. He starts out as a villain so vile that in entire city full of criminals are cast as…. A. angels B. villains C. heroes 12. By the end of his underground trial, he cries out for help with the voice of…. A. humanity B. desperation C. hatred 13. Hans Beckert’s voice is screaming out from the depths of ... A. an absolute hell B. a psychological prison C. guilty conscience 14. It's a level of …unheard of in most films, which is why it earns a spot on our list. A. artistry B. craftsmanship C. nuance
08:13-10.15 min. Make questions for the following answers: 1. They look and sound human. 2. With no remorse. 3. Because it makes us think: “God, are there people like that among us?” 4. For remorseless violence and destruction. 5. The emptiness behind his eyes and ruthless efficiency and disregard with which he dispatches human life. 6. No, there isn’t. Just a casual coin flip. 7. They have a complex psychological relationship with the viewers. 8. He has distorted it out of proportion. 9. Because it seems to say to us: “This could be anyone. This could be your husband someday. This could be you”. 10. She kidnaps a man. 11. It has turned him into a monster. 12. By dissociative identity disorder. 13. He is actually just a sweet young boy. 14. She is a serial murdering old woman. 15. Partly because they're so different from us, but also partly because they are not.
10:17-11.37 min. In the following extract some of the words in the text are different from what you hear in the video. Correct them: Now, if our number 2 shows us a potential in ourselves, we want to talk about those villains that give us a picture of our deepest subconscious desires right away. And that's terrifying, isn't it? We all have parts of ourselves we're uncomfortable with that we want to push down, and hide, and pretend aren't there. We all do, right? Right? Right? Anyway, the thing is, that there's a kind of villain that's awesome as they held up a mirror and said look. Think of Ozymandias allowing himself to do a minor evil in order to prevent a bigger one. Or Jigsaw, punishing criminals in a way that we may secretly think they deserve. Or Tyler Durden casting aside the social restrictions and embracing violence and disorder and pain. But our favorite villain of this type is Frank Booth from Blue Velvet. “Baby wants to … Get ready to…you…”. Holy, this is one bad guy. He's a gas puffing, Pabst Blue Ribbon drinking, sadomasochistic mother […]. And sure, his sexual disorder is incredibly disturbing to watch but you're lying to us and yourself if you can't agree that there's some weird Freudian reaction going on at some deep id level with it. It's like watching a perverted car wreck that you can't look away from, that strikes you somewhere deep and hidden. And that's why here's our list of the best movie villain of all time. So what do you think? Did you enjoy our talk on villains? Do you want us to analyze some of the best heroes too? Let us know by liking this video and give us your take in the comments below and make sure you subscribe for more Cinefix movie list.