Put the verb to be in the correct form.TEST 1. Put the verb to be in the correct form. 1.The English home task … very difficult. 2. We … at a lesson now. 3. Tony and Mark … my friends. They … very sociable and we … of the same age. 4. I … fond of sport but my friends … fond of music. 5. The child … in the schoolyard playing basketball.
2. Ask general question and give short positive and negative answers and also full negative answer. The textbook is on the table.
3. Fill in the gaps with the suitable pronouns. 1. … likes her friends. 2. … am thirsty. Give me a glass of water, please. 3. … went to see their friends. 4. John likes his car. … always wash it. 5. … are fond of modern music so my friend and I always go to the club together.
4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Алекс очень общительный. 2. Они ровесники. 3. Мы не друзья, мы просто знакомые. 4. Ваше имя очень трудное, произнесите его по буквам. 5. Моя сестра увлекается чтением. 4. Translate from English into Russian arm elbow leg mouth forehead 5. Translate from English into Russian. бровь нос щека палец шея 6. Fill in the gaps
7. Describe these people. Plan: 1. figure; 2. height 3. face; 4. features 5. complexion 6. eyes 7. nose 1. 2. 3. 4.