


Случайная статья

Ex.1) Mary - a  Sarah - b  Jane - c Ann - d Molly - e


Revision: Comparative and Superlative adjectives










Ex.1)     Mary - a  Sarah - b  Jane - c Ann - d Molly - e

Ex. 3

2. is heavier

3. are more dangerous

4. is more difficult

5. are hotter

6. is more exciting

7. are healthier

Ex. 4)

2. a cold

3. more

4. heavier; the heaviest

5. better; the best

6. worse; the worst

7. the cheapest; slower

Ex. 5)

1. She thinks Maths is worse than Science.

2. Mark is the best singer in our class.

3. The most exciting day in the year is my birthday.

4. Mice are smaller than tigers and elephants.

5. Mary is the youngest person in their family.

6. Dolphins are more intelligent than hippos.




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