ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ Тема: Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Моя будущая специальность».
Содержание работы: 1. Изучение лексики по теме 2. Выполнение лексических упражнений по теме 3. Чтение и перевод текста 4. Рассказать о своей будущей профессии, отвечая на вопросы
1. Изучение лексики по теме Profession- профессия - A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification Musician- музыкант - A person who makes music a profession, especially as a performer of music. Singer-певец - A person who sings, especially a trained or professional vocalist Scientist- ученый - A person who is engaged in and has expert knowledge of a science, especially a biological or physical science. Economist-экономист - A person who studies the flow of cash and credit between people, institutions or other… Businessman-бизнесмен - A man who works in business especially in a high position Professor- профессор - A teacher of the highest academic rank in a college or university Job- работа - A job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money. Teacher-учитель - a person whose occupation is teaching others, especially children Doctor- доктор - a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian. Lawyer- юрист - a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters. Journalist- журналист - a person who keeps a journal, diary, or other record of daily events. Driver- водитель - a person who drives a vehicle; coachman, chauffeur, etc. Accountant- экономист - a person whose profession is inspecting and auditing personal or commercial accounts. Shop assistant- продавец - a person who serves in a shop 2.Выполнение лексических упражнений по теме Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestigious, librarian, fireman.(Дополнить предложения данными словами) 1. A profession of photographer is very.... 2. My sister says that teaching is a ... profession. 3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is .... 4. Careers of computer programmer are very ... nowadays. 5. My cousin wants to be an .... 6. Will you write your... on this form? 7. A ... is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read. 8. I am sure that the profession of a ... is rather dangerous. 9. His ... as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident. 10. Iam going to be a ... because I like animals and birds. Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Look up any words you don't know. (Выбрать наиболее подходящее по смыслу) 1. Ask the shop where the washing powder is. a.nurse b.assistant c.barber d.conductor 2. That sells very good meat. a.baker b.dentist c.architect d.butcher 3. If my tooth doesn't stop hurting, I'll go and see my a.actor b.dentist c.writer d.jockey 4. Not many buses have a You usually pay the driver. a.manager b.farmer c.conductor d.porter 5. Look! The is feeding the lions. a.keeper b.pianist c.postman d.engineer 6. The is showing them his plans of the new building. a.optician b.nurse c.architect d.dancer 7. She wants the to make a special cake for her daughter's birthday. a.inspector b.baker c.cashier d.mechanic 8. My always comes early so I get my letters before I go to work. a.postman b.chemist c.butcher d.porter 9. The boss wants her to take some dictation. a.secretary b.novelist c.conductor d.journalist 10. The gives the patient his medicine twice a day. a.butcher b.nurse c.operator d.pianist 11. I hope the can repair our car quickly. a.mechanic b.reporter c.surgeon d.coach 12. After your eye test, the will tell you if you need glasses or not. a.engineer b.mechanic c.clown d.optician 13. The wanted to write an article about me in the paper. a.agent b.musician c.journalist d.hairdresser 14. The will take your suitcases to your room. a.porter b.author c.engineer d.jockey 3.Чтение и перевод текста The restaurant Manager is responsible for everything that happens in the school and, in fact, is the Manager of the restaurant. The administrator carries out personnel selection and training, meets and sees off visitors, manages all workflows and is responsible for the quality of the restaurant (cleanliness, courtesy, ambiance, delicious food and other aspects), and solves all the non-standard questions. Despite the fact that the catering for several thousand years, restaurants and cafes have become a common establishment not so long ago. We can consider that France was one of the first countries made out of food and almost a cult ritual action. It was there two or three centuries ago, the owners of these establishments have begun to pay particular attention to servicing visitors. The first managers were the Maitre d'hotel (the hotel owner is a translation from French). They greeted guests, organized their stay and decent food. The profession of restaurant Manager appeared in the 20th century, when restaurants, cafes, bars and canteens was a huge amount, and there is a need for competent managers and Directors. 4.Рассказать о своей будущей профессии, отвечая на вопросы Answer the questions: -What kind of professions do you know? - When did you start to think about your future profession? -What is your future profession? -Is it important nowadays? -What skills do you need for the job you have chosen? -Do you think you have the qualities required for the job you would like to do? -What are they? -Are you ready to work hard to make a career? -What are your parents’ attitudes towards your choice? -Would you like to be rich or famous? -Would you like to work abroad?