


Случайная статья

Дата 30.09.2020 Группа 1701

Дата 30.09.2020               Группа 1701

Дисциплина/МДК/УП: Иностранный язык

Тема урока:«The walls»

План занятия:

1) Вам необходимо выполнить практические задания 6-7:

6. Match the parts of arch and words given:

rise; abutment; keystone; back/extrados; clear span, "Bay"; voussoir; intrados; impost.




7. Match the terms with their definitions:

1) abutment a) the horizontal distance between supporting pillars, columns, or walls, being the maximum possible distance clear of obstacles
2) back/ extrados b) the vertical distance between the springing line of the arch and the curve of the intrados
3) clear span c) the uppermost part of a column or pillar supporting an arch
4) impost d) the central stone or brick at the top of the arch, which may be wedge-shaped; it holds the arch together
5) intrados e) the point where the ends of the arch rest on the wall and support the weight of the structure above them
6) keystone f) a wedge-shaped or tapered stone used to construct an arch
7) rise g) the undersurface or soffit of the arch
8) voussoir h) the outer curve or surface of an arch or vault



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