


Случайная статья

По горизонтали. По вертикали


Кроссворд по предмету "английскому языку" на тему "Изобретения"

По горизонтали

1. Operating system

7. A device sent up into space to travel round the Earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc

10. This solid explosive mixture used for throwing shells, rocket motion and for other purposes

12. They were created by scientists

15. To have fun and to entertain

18. Technical device for connecting and finishing of materials by the method of sewing

21. Gadget for cooking, defrosting, reheating pre-prepared food

25. To watch pre-recorder videos


По вертикали

2. To receive or make calls around the home

3. Russian scientist,who ordered chemical elements and invented vodka

4. The tool helps in observation of remote objects

5. A machine with keys that you press to produce letters and numbers on paper

6. To wash the dishe

8. Vehicle, which invented by Henry Ford, and used for the carriage by road of persons or

9. The means of transmission of the signal through the wires

11. Group of antibiotics produced by many species of fungi of the genus Penicillium

13. Rotary-wing aircraft


16. Not only sew but do embroidery and applique and sew on buttons

17. Electrical device that uses the phenomenon of heating water-containing substances

19. The art and methods of film photography

20. To have fun and to entertain

22. How do you clean the carpet

23. A device designed to receive copies

24. A line of plastic construction toys



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